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Keep on learning, whether Rich or Poor...

April 03, 2019
Quote by John Foster
There is always something to learn in Life
There always some insight we can get from life, people and Circumstances.


Five Easy Ways To Facilitate Gratitude Journal Styles

February 24, 2019
Gratitude Journal Styles *

In my previous article, I have covered a lot of ground on Gratitude. Please click here to check it and please do subscribe to my emails for future articles and announcements. Practicing gratitude has really helped me see things differently and it has helped get a more positive outlook.

To me, it seems like the most obvious thing, but sometime back it was not. A lot of times good ideas just tickle our imaginations and senses. It is very seldom implemented. Either because we feel that it is impractical or we don't have a plan to guide us. In this app driven world where everything is an app. It can be difficult to do things without a plan or framework. Today I shall be sharing a beautiful concept related to gratitude called a Gratitude journal.

So let us first understand the idea before actually making one. I believe that recording our feelings and reactions while finding a grateful attitude to filter out our emotions can be quite helpful. Primarily on not so good days, it would help us understand the reasons to find some cheer. It would also remind us that our selective thinking focuses our attention only on pitiful memories when we are down or on brighter moments when we are upbeat. Which I think it doesn't seem like any kind of objectivity. So in life, I think adding a dash of hopefulness to seeing situations can be very useful. It helps us understand our situations and also guides us to strategize ahead. This is where gratefulness plays a key role.

So, Here are 5 ways to a Gratitude Journal:

'The Weekly Gratitude' Journal:

A Weekly Gratitude Journal is a weekly record of the events, moments and things that make you feel grateful. Choose just a small list of say five things that make you feel grateful. I believe this could very simple and normal things. The idea is developing an attitude of gratitude and not filling up a book. So reflect intently and fill the list.

'End of the Day Gratitude' Journal:

This is a daily record of encountering gratitude. So choose a quiet and peaceful time of the day. Calm your mind and reflect on the events during the day. Now record it on paper or if you are using a software or an app key it in. Keep the sentences short. So when you get back to your journal, its a like a summary of all the grateful moments during your day.

'Anytime Gratitude' Journal:

This style of journaling would involve recording your gratitude moments on the go. You feel it, you know it, you write it. It's quite simple. So one just needs to use some tact and to stop and think. Then after reflecting at the situation, person or challenge, we need to record it in the journal. But in this style, there is no real time or place. It's on the go.

'Monthly Gratitude' Journal:

This style of journaling should be done once a month. But to keep it meaningful and factual. It should be more of a ritual. A day of the month should be chosen to record the reasons to be grateful. This could be done in a quiet place or after some prayer or meditation. This helps you focus and engage with the process of journaling our gratitude moments.

'Hybrid Gratitude' Journal:

In this style, we pick and choose some of the above styles to our convenience. We can combine anytime journaling with Monthly journaling ( or formats of your choice). So the first one becomes like a daily tracker and the second one to record the highlights for the month. Creatively bespoke it to your convenience and good health.

Ending Thoughts

In short, I would say there is no one particular style I would recommend. 'Anytime Gratitude' Journaling is an approach that helped me.

I prefer writing paragraphs then just lists. It helps me recap the emotion and situation. I don't use any particular template. But there are many useful templates to use. Check this article by PositivePsychologyProgram, It covers some interesting templates and apps that can be used for creating a Gratitude journal.

Your views

In the comments section, please do mention what approach has helped you. In a future article, I shall cover some templates and technologies like apps and platforms that have personally helped me. God bless! See you in the next article...

Other Articles

Turn Pain to Joy: 11 Tips for a Powerful Gratitude Journal

How To Start A Gratitude Journal You’ll Actually Keep



Don't Resist Life

February 18, 2019

The Essence of Being Positive

February 08, 2019
The Essence of Being Positive...What is Positive Thinking and What it's not.

Life is never like a straight line graph, everything going fine all the time. There are ups and downs, rises and falls, twists and turns. In a way, this adds fun and pain to the journey we call life. So it's a given that we are going to be negative or at least have phases when things don't go as expected.

Understanding Pessimism

So how does one become more positive? It's just not about seeing the glass half full. Become more positive is like an addition sum where add something to what we already know. It's not an escape. So, I am not saying that negativity is wrong. Here is a quote on Pessimism which shed some light on the matter,

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." by Oscar Wilde

In a way, we are all in a metaphorical gutter, muddled in our situations. It is that hopefulness that is the essence of being positive. So if we take pessimism as a kind of Reality seeing exercise, Being positive is just adding a tadka to it. Just a dash of hopefulness to spice it up. This adds flavor to this guttery dish called life- now suddenly things are different and better.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

Of course, There are Benefits of positive thinking and advantages of it as well. Let's list some of them. According to an article by Mayo Clinic, The health benefits of Positivity are tremendous.*1 These benefits touch various areas of one’s life, right from the common cold to improved cardiovascular health. It seems it can also increase one's life span. Personally, I initially thought of it as something that was obvious, but I was wrong. But it’s quite a long story- it has helped me tremendously in my workspace. As an Entrepreneur and Educator, Sowing times when we are waiting for projects and dreams to materialize, it can be quite stressful. A small amount of Faith and loads of positivity have helped move ahead quite successfully.

Attitudes can affect others

So then, Be positive and understand the effect. It’s just not going to affect you, but like negative thinking affect others. Ideas and thoughts are quite contagious. Imagine a negative salesperson, quite the disaster. It would be quite demotivating when business is bad. When there are no sales and fresh ideas or strategies are required, the negativity can block ideas. So the sales person would need to be hopeful, this would help him generate or at least consider ideas to solve his problem of poor sales. This too would have an effect, but now a much positive one.

Positive Thinking is not being delusional

Lastly, Positivity is not being delusional. Positivity can become delusional if we don't keep our expectations and hopes within a boundary of common expectations. According to Lyndelle Palmer Clarke, Dealing with change requires a balance both Negative and Positive ways of thinking.*2 This balance between negative thinking and positivity can be like that of changing hats.

So here is my take on Positive Thinking, I hope you find it useful. Please Share and comment if you like this article. For any feedback, please do email me. Here are some articles, I found useful.

For Further Reading,

Fours Keys to overcoming negative thinking for Good by Melli Obrien.

The Power of Positive Thinking by Remez Sasson


*1, Mayo Clinic Staff. 2017. Positive thinking: Stop negative self-talk to reduce stress. [ONLINE] Available at:

*2, Lyndelle Palmer Clarke. 2018. When Positive Thinking Becomes Delusion. [ONLINE] Available at:

Understanding the 'Why' behind Gratefulness

January 25, 2019
Gratitude is the attitude of being Thankful...

In my college days, I invariably used to be quite religious. This would precisely mean going to church regularly and to the confessional very often. There is one possible thing from all this that I undoubtedly learned... the essential virtue, namely Gratitude. I have frequently tried merely employing this personal virtue more like a tactic to improve my life and improve my Spiritual Quotient.

As an Educator, it is tremendous to see so many former students in diverse sectors and positions doing well. I feel indebted for opportunities like this. I feel really grateful. This leads me to think about Gratefulness and How to achieve a more grateful attitude? Simply put by the dictionary, Gratefulness means being thankful. So Let's carefully look at some possible reasons to be thankful. I reasonably think it is significant to properly understand 'Why' before getting to the question 'How'.

My 3 Top reason to be Grateful:

It Feels good:

From my viewpoint, I have been consciously tried practicing Gratefulness. In my personal space, I would often think at length of all the pleasant moments and not so good instances, it has helped me grow abundantly as an Individual and also helped me practice Gratitude. It encouraged me to be more positive and vibrant.

It tracks your blessings:

I can't speak for others, but from my practical experience, People are not Positive at all possible times. There are possible times one gets into the negative zone. Practicing a bit of Gratefulness can be extremely nice. It shifts focus and encourages us to see the best in our circumstances or Life situations.

It builds your Spiritual Quotient:

Merely choosing to be Grateful can open up an alternative view towards life. It’s not easy, I must say earnestly. There are situations and circumstances where it may seem extremely unreasonable. But by solely adopting an alternative approach and choosing to be grateful can open another dimension in one’s life. It can encourage us to gain a considerably deeper meaning to life.

Hence, my top three practical reasons to be grateful. Let's say this whatever may be your worldview, whether you believe in a God or some higher power, we must accept this fact that we are here and conscious. This is enough a reason to appreciate Life and be thankful. Cheers!

Image Source:

Wisdom Quote

January 10, 2019

5 Misconceptions about Balance in Life

January 08, 2019
Striking the Right Balance...

Around 5yrs ago I moved to the city I currently reside and work, Pune. It's an education hub and as an educator, it was a place I had to go to. This city thought me a lot. Being a Mumbaikar, we tend to not balance our Personal and Professional spaces. This city helped me gain that balance.

There are certain Misconceptions that people have regarding gain that balance. I have listed some of them. It relates to my experience on gain trying to strike that balance.

5 Misconceptions regarding Personal vs Professional Life:

1. Balance can be easily achieved.

Firstly, Each individual defines balance differently. So defining it properly is the first step, but not necessarily the last. Then, It may take planning and trials before succeeding. So defining 'Balance' is the first step before moving ahead.

2. Stress is always the reason for losing balance.

Stress is quite a killer, but it is not always the reason for disruption in balancing personal and professional life. Sometimes it may be an issue of evaluating priorities. Life is always changing and so updating ourselves and our priorities is a necessary part of it.

Come back to the basics, look at how you defined 'Balance' and what goals you set. Let them guide you to set new priorities. They are like a compass they will guide you and help you set your new priorities appropriately.

3. It's not all about your own happiness

So prioritizing other important areas of our lives is also important. This could be time for exercising, spending time with your partner or family. It could also mean taking time out to work on a hobby or a part-time career.

Here is a beautiful quote to summarise this point:

"Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life." - Dolly Parton

4. Boundaries create limitations

It is wrong to think of boundaries as creating limitations. Some limitations can be good and helpful. So understanding our personal limitations and boundaries can be useful too. Once I had tried night shifts on a new job and did n't work for me. It started affecting my health. So after consulting the doctor, I had to change my shift. This helped me understand myself and the need for setting boundaries.

5. Getting mentored won't help

Many of the struggles in life doesn't need to be alone. Getting a good mentor at work or a professional will really help. Friends and family can also help by their support and their ideas.

I believe some of these misconceptions can be a true deterrent. We all spend a good amount of time at work and of course at life too, so finding the right balance can really be a blessing. But with wrong ideas, it surely can't be achieved. Please share your ideas in the comment section below.



How to find the Best Life coach in your area?

December 09, 2018
How to choose a Life Coach?

Find the Best Life Coach in your area

So imagine a time when you needed some advice, a listening ear but someone who could help you towards a fruitful outcome.  A Life Coach is someone who could help you.  

A Life Coach is quite different from a Psychologist, I have written an article that could help you see the difference, Please Click Here.

Now there are various types of Life Coach and the quality of coaching could also change. So before choosing a good life coach, one needs to keep a few points in mind.

Here I have researched 5 Pointers that can help you choose an Excellent Life Coach:

1) Life coach is not the same as buying a product.

Life coaching is a service that helps people achieve their goals and improve their lives.

This is really important to understand before setting expectations. 

A good Life coach will focus on connecting with you. 

He will focus on relating to your situation. A qualified and experienced Life Coach should be effective.

2) Choose your Goals.

A person can help the Life Coach by understanding his goals properly. 

This will help you achieve your goals and make the process of Coaching more effective.

3) The coach should relate with you.

Does the Life coach understand your goals? 

Does he or she share your values? Does he have good listening skills? 

Does the coach ask helpful questions?

These are some of the questions that would be helpful to keep in mind. 

Thinking critically whilst being receptive can be difficult, but it is important.

4) Local vs Global Life coach

This is a personal choice. A local coach would be more acquainted with your culture and may have also helped people in your area. 

This would help you get a good feedback. On the other hand, a global Life Coach should also have its own benefits. But this is for another post.

5) What's your budget.

It is important to keep a budget. It is important to see this process more of an investment rather than an expense.

So here are some tips that should be kept in mind while choosing a good Life Coach. 

In the next article, I will talk about certifications and the importance of choosing a Qualified Life Coach.


Who is a Life Coach ? A Short Guide on understand Life Coaching

November 14, 2018
Who is a Life Coach
Life Coach... A Mentor and guide

Helping people and hearing their problems have always been something I enjoyed. 

But I never wanted to become a psychologist. So what are the options I always wondered? I came across the concept of a Life Coach.

So I wondered how different could a Life Coach be from a Psychologist. I have been to a Psychologist and even had some psychologist friends. I always wondered if there were any difference between two, a Psychologist and a Life Coach. 

They both look the same. So are they different? Let's see. So today we shall look at the similarities and differences between a Life Coach and a Psychologist.

According to Tony Robbins, the difference between Life Coaching and Psychologist lies in their goals. He says Life Coaching is about helping people with their goals, whereas therapy is about the diagnosis of 'illnesses and pathologies.

So if you are working on Personal Projects, work-related issues and/or major life changes a Life Coach could be someone who could help. 

Generally, a Life Coach is certified by an Institute or International Body, unlike a Psychologist who is licensed and possesses a degree in Psychology. One can be a Psychologist and a Life Coach too.

So though a Life Coach and a Psychologist may have some similarities. Their essential differences define them. A Life coach is more suitable to help guide and motivate people to succeed.  

A good Life coach besides being certified should have relevant experience in coaching.

To become a Life coach one does not need to leave their existing jobs. It can be done part-time. According to, Life coaches can make around $ 27000 to $ 40000 a year. There are a lot of Institutes that offer certifications and training to be a good Life Coach. 

I believe passion and right training can make a huge difference in becoming a successful Life Coach.



Wisdom & Insight

October 28, 2018

A Good Start

October 25, 2018
A Good Start
A Good Start*

It is said that every Successful journey starts with a first step. The 'Not so successful' or the 'Unsuccessful' begins with that first step too.  We tend to spend a lot of time on planning, reflecting before actually starting our journeys, projects etc. So this mantra may seem meaningless to some. 'Just start' or 'Just do it'  may seem meaningless. But is it really without any effectiveness?

Let us begin by Listing some of the benefits and perceived difficulties of taking the first step.

Creating Dreams

I think the most obvious benefit in taking that first step is that it helps us actually put our plans or dreams into action. We get to it at last after a lot of delays and waiting by seeing things moving. It would be unreal to think that there would be an instant success, it is said that many of the most successful people have had a good share of failing before actually tasting success. So just a couple of inconveniences should not put one off.

Initial persistence does pay off. Let's say you are going on a diet plan, cheating a couple of times should not discourage you, of course, you have screwed up. But giving up the entire project would not make sense.

Finding Gaps

 Now Let's say we have started our journey, we have taken that first step. After moving for a while one might see difficulties. This could be some unexpected turns and twists, some irritation. The focus I think must be on doing a bit of mental jujitsu. It is important to see that these are not just difficulties, but opportunities. They could be gaps in our planning or maybe we have not factored certain things before starting out

Five years back, I had decided to the gym and get healthy. I was too thin after dieting for about a year. I just could n't exercise. I failed a couple of times and then decided to get a trainer. Though initially, I thought it was unnecessary. A trainer really helped me get healthier and in good shape.  I realized that expertise and good mentorship does matter. Finding this gap helped me greatly.  Let's go to the next insight.

Being Aplomb

Another difficulty while starting out could be being overly positive or extremely negative. I think it is important to be realistic. Sometimes I think it is important to understand that the glass is not just half empty or half full, but also that there is a glass with water in it. Seeing opportunities is good, but not getting a grip on reality won't be helpful, it could even kill the whole project or assignment you are undertaking.

Failing to Plan

Failure to plan is planning to fail. Success or failure is not the only possible outcomes, Learning is one of the outcomes too. But not taking the first step is a sure failure. So i would like to end this post with a quote from Winston Churchill.

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”― Winston S. Churchill [*1]

Thank you for reading this post, I tried to share what I think helped me personally. In the next post, I will be exploring Strategies on Failing Effectively.

*Photo by Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels

Live and Learn

October 16, 2018
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