5 Things not to do when things get difficult, Life Strategies for Tough times

Things not to do when times are difficult

 Most of us have learned great and good ideas from School, our experience in a job or business and life in general. There are phases when things are great and high, there are times when things are not as great as we expected them to be. 

These moments besides being quite defining moments can be opportunities.  It helps us incorporate all that we have gained from our reflections and learnings to the test. These are moments we should treasure and cherish (though the difficulty).

But to be cautious these are times we can make stupid and regretful decisions. I have made some of those kinds of decisions. But looking back I do see how they have affected my life for the better.

So I thought of sharing some ideas and pointers that can guide us during such moments. 

There is an interesting quote that goes like this 'Tough times don't last, Tough people, do'. But what does it mean to be tough when confusion and chaos rule your life situation. It could be toughness in the sense of having the courage to pull through the situation. Pull through it with all our imperfections and all our hopes.

Here some ideas I would like to share that we should do during such times.

Life is pressing the Reset button

Life sometimes directs our course to a different route. Difficulties could be signals for changes that are going to come into our lives. Changes can be difficult. 

Sometimes 'Why' may not be the question that helps. 

So, how do we respond to such difficult times can help us. 

Our response gets directed by our Perspective and attitude. These are the moments when we need to realize that can be a great opportunity to learn and grow as an individual.

Gratefulness  as a habit

Powerful Quotes on Gratitude

When things are going downhill we get more clarity about our situation. We know what is normal and how valuable the simple things in life are. 

Practicing gratefulness is putting positivity into action. It is gearing up to be solution-oriented.

Gratefulness helps us focus on the better side of life. It helps us realize that life is more than us.

Getting spiritual

Homo Divinicus

The way I understand religion and spirituality is that religion systematizes spirituality. 

Spirituality to me is rising above our current situation. It is practicing purposeful living. It surpasses and is above our belief systems.

I see it as an innate ability every human being has.

Putting on our Creative Hats

It's an opportunity to practice creativity. I am not saying its a silver bullet to solve your problems. 

But you may never know it could be a useful self-discovery tool.

Learning about our own abilities can be enlightening. Difficult situations bring out the best in us. These are those moments that can show us abilities we thought we never had. 

Hang on, do your best...I mean practice creativity. 

Forgetting Self

Self-care is not self-centredness

Yes, All or at least most of us will at times sulk or fret about difficulties and problems. 

But by forgetting self-focus and looking at other people's needs can be a useful strategy. 

Learning how others resolved their problems can get us ideas that can be useful to us. 

It can bring resolutions to our own problems.

So what are things we must not do...

Right Choices for not so Right times

I have seen from my own experience the tendency becomes to react to situations. 

If luck or whatever doesn't favor you, things could get bad to worse. So First things don't Panic.

Freaking out may not be the best or useful thing to do. 

The next on the list is thinking that life has been unfair to you. 

The main assumption here is that my current situation somehow defines us and our future. This is not necessary, things go very differently from what you expect.

Killing this fatalistic thinking can help us get more resourceful and can conserve a lot of wasted energy. 

Another one is self-deception. We can fool ourselves into thinking that somehow the problem will solve itself. 

It won't solve itself, we need to focus and work on them.

Praying and meditating can be useful, God may intervene. But magical thinking may not be useful.

Confusing self-care with being self-centered. ( Since life has not been fair or whatever else) Yes, they are different and it is for another blog post.

In conclusion

I would like to say rather bluntly 'Shit happens'. 

Getting through it and successful is the aim. Beating yourself or throwing yourself a pity party is not. 

If you are facing anxiety or personal difficulties do consider getting help. Speaking to someone you trust does help, But qualified help is much better

Consider speaking to a qualified counselor or professional mental health expert.

Further Reading





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