Reasons why your time is an important resource

May 05, 2020

Time is one of our most precious resources

Staying at home has got more busier than ever. Housework can be so tedious, can't imagine how our domestic helps manage all this and then go back home to their families. 

They are like angels, A lot of times we fail to appreciate the simple things that life can bless us with.

Today I am going to share ideas and thoughts on one of such resources. This Resource is the most valuable. People think it is in abundance and they trade it like there is a lot of it. 

That resource is time. Only if all knew the amount of time we have allotted to us, life would be very different.

Time and Timing are really two powerful ideas. One is a resource and the other is a strategy. Time Management thus becomes important, But today I want to explore the 'Why'.

Exploring the 'Why' 

Our strategies would be incomplete if it is completely divorced from time.


I think wages for time and expertise is something most of us can relate to whether we are employed or employing others. 

A lot of our aspirations require time, For example if you want to lose your weight. It could take a lot of time. Starting a business completing or getting a degree also takes time.

Our concern with results requires us to make decisions in time. Thus our strategies in utilizing time is critical. Our strategies would be incomplete if it is completely divorced from time.

It would be lost to irrelevance. Time thus can said to be a very important resource. Often Leisure can get a bad name as it can be mistaken as an activity to misuse time. But Leisure in itself is harmless, it utilizes our spare time to bring a certain kind of refreshment and enjoyment to our lives. Like anything important and good it can also be misused.

But this is the way we master things by our hits and misses. So managing this important resource time becomes important. We can utilise it for earning a living, leisure or achieving a goal. But all of these ventures require fruitful utilization of our goals and this important resource called 'Time'.

Some ideas to consider

Prepared Mind
Prepared Mind with Useful actions

So we must not waste time they say, But how about wasting some of it to manage it more effectively. 

Like any thing that needs to be managed we must direct it a specific end or purpose.  We should able to detect when we are wasting it and when we are utilising it.

So Clarity in effective Time Management can start with knowing when we are wasting it and having some guidelines to effectively know when we are not using it properly. We could grade our tasks accordingly, in keeping our goals in mind.

Time management I believe besides being a system is an art that needs to be mastered.

Time makes your dreams* a reality


I believe that when we use Time effectively we can help us lead a more fulfilling life. This is what I mean by Dreams i.e. Aspirations that take a form or reality in our lives.

Time utilised properly means doing tasks and paying attention to certain goals. Eventually they are achieved by going through a series of successes and failures. 

There is no magic here, but successful utilisation of a Powerful Resource. So in a sense Time is the only resource we must be thrifty about.

Time is Precious

I believe its a normal feeling to be reminiscing our childhood days. The fun we had in school. How simple life seemed when we were in school...But it would not be realistic to expect someone to turn back time.

This is how irreplaceable and precious time is. Instead of hoping and praying for the gift of bilocation, sensibly we can use Time Management. Doing one thing at a time properly and strategically to enjoy and achieve our goals successfully.

We must not think of Time Management as something we do alone, we hire and delegate others to help us achieve our goals. 

For example, If you want to a healthy diet. Consult a dietician and get a cook or recipe to have the necessary healthy meals required. Join a group of people who into weight loss and get the support required. 

Of course, This is just an example...But the thing is that Time Management doesn't need to be individualistic. 

Team up and be flexible. Being rigid in my experience has only made feel hopeless and eventually give up. Incorporating a bit of flexibility has helped a great deal.

Starting with Effective Time Management

I am sure there many good resources on Time Management, I plan to create a useful resource too (Would be available soon...Check this space soon!). But for now, I think we need to have good reasons for effectively implementing Time Management.

For starters, Time is a resource that we only have a limited quota of. For most of us we do not know how much. This is not that bad.

We must keep in mind that most of our goals and aspirations require time to achieve. Teaming up with people is an important aspect of being Effective Time Management.

Of course there are many other skills required. But I think focus on the right reasons are highly essential for effective Time Management.

One concrete way to start could be by Journaling your successes and failures to implement Time Management. 


So wrapping up, Reasons there are plenty, But focus on the important things can keep us grounded. I believe Time is too precious and each moment unique.

Right Thought and Effective Management always requires proper systems and structure, but focus on the reasons cannot be traded to be effective.

I would like to end this article with this powerful quote, 

Time is precious

I wish you the best of  health and fulfilling life. 

Please share and comment on this article with your valuable feedback.

Further Reading

Things not to do when things get difficult

Preparing a Gratitude Journal


5 Things not to do when things get difficult, Life Strategies for Tough times

April 03, 2020

Things not to do when times are difficult

 Most of us have learned great and good ideas from School, our experience in a job or business and life in general. There are phases when things are great and high, there are times when things are not as great as we expected them to be. 

These moments besides being quite defining moments can be opportunities.  It helps us incorporate all that we have gained from our reflections and learnings to the test. These are moments we should treasure and cherish (though the difficulty).

But to be cautious these are times we can make stupid and regretful decisions. I have made some of those kinds of decisions. But looking back I do see how they have affected my life for the better.

So I thought of sharing some ideas and pointers that can guide us during such moments. 

There is an interesting quote that goes like this 'Tough times don't last, Tough people, do'. But what does it mean to be tough when confusion and chaos rule your life situation. It could be toughness in the sense of having the courage to pull through the situation. Pull through it with all our imperfections and all our hopes.

Here some ideas I would like to share that we should do during such times.

Life is pressing the Reset button

Life sometimes directs our course to a different route. Difficulties could be signals for changes that are going to come into our lives. Changes can be difficult. 

Sometimes 'Why' may not be the question that helps. 

So, how do we respond to such difficult times can help us. 

Our response gets directed by our Perspective and attitude. These are the moments when we need to realize that can be a great opportunity to learn and grow as an individual.

Gratefulness  as a habit

Powerful Quotes on Gratitude

When things are going downhill we get more clarity about our situation. We know what is normal and how valuable the simple things in life are. 

Practicing gratefulness is putting positivity into action. It is gearing up to be solution-oriented.

Gratefulness helps us focus on the better side of life. It helps us realize that life is more than us.

Getting spiritual

Homo Divinicus

The way I understand religion and spirituality is that religion systematizes spirituality. 

Spirituality to me is rising above our current situation. It is practicing purposeful living. It surpasses and is above our belief systems.

I see it as an innate ability every human being has.

Putting on our Creative Hats

It's an opportunity to practice creativity. I am not saying its a silver bullet to solve your problems. 

But you may never know it could be a useful self-discovery tool.

Learning about our own abilities can be enlightening. Difficult situations bring out the best in us. These are those moments that can show us abilities we thought we never had. 

Hang on, do your best...I mean practice creativity. 

Forgetting Self

Self-care is not self-centredness

Yes, All or at least most of us will at times sulk or fret about difficulties and problems. 

But by forgetting self-focus and looking at other people's needs can be a useful strategy. 

Learning how others resolved their problems can get us ideas that can be useful to us. 

It can bring resolutions to our own problems.

So what are things we must not do...

Right Choices for not so Right times

I have seen from my own experience the tendency becomes to react to situations. 

If luck or whatever doesn't favor you, things could get bad to worse. So First things don't Panic.

Freaking out may not be the best or useful thing to do. 

The next on the list is thinking that life has been unfair to you. 

The main assumption here is that my current situation somehow defines us and our future. This is not necessary, things go very differently from what you expect.

Killing this fatalistic thinking can help us get more resourceful and can conserve a lot of wasted energy. 

Another one is self-deception. We can fool ourselves into thinking that somehow the problem will solve itself. 

It won't solve itself, we need to focus and work on them.

Praying and meditating can be useful, God may intervene. But magical thinking may not be useful.

Confusing self-care with being self-centered. ( Since life has not been fair or whatever else) Yes, they are different and it is for another blog post.

In conclusion

I would like to say rather bluntly 'Shit happens'. 

Getting through it and successful is the aim. Beating yourself or throwing yourself a pity party is not. 

If you are facing anxiety or personal difficulties do consider getting help. Speaking to someone you trust does help, But qualified help is much better

Consider speaking to a qualified counselor or professional mental health expert.

Further Reading


Staying at Home and ideas to kill boredom and make the best of your time

March 18, 2020

Life beyond Boredom

I don't mind living like a hermit for a long time. Just stuck at home. But for a lot of us it can be a challenge 😂. So how do we deal with this predicament as it can be boring and challenging for some of us.

Besides praying for the safety of our loved ones and ourselves included, this can be a great time to reflect on the things that can enhance our lives

I thought of some ideas to kill boredom and do something interesting.

Here are some ideas you could use:

Practicing Resourcefulness

  • Create a Blog
  • Learn video editing
  • Create your first Vlog
  • Watch some interesting TED talk videos
  • Write a business plan
  • Do some free courses online
  • Try some of the D.I.Y. recipes you see on Facebook
  • Pick up some culinary skills
  • Review videos on YouTube and post them
  • Share my articles & like my Facebook Page
  • Give positive feedback to people who made a difference in your life
  • Stay at home and meditate
  • Read books on Investments and Entrepreneurship
  • Play Indoor Games
  • Doodle and post them on Instagram
  • Clean your cupboards and tidy up your room
  • Do Binge watching (YouTube & Netflix)
  • Catch up on some conspiracy theories
  • Yoga
  • Listen to Music
  • Explore Reddit

To sum it up live the moment and Enjoy the Now. 

Update: Please be safe and practice social distancing. 


Startup Mindset is important to be Successful, 5 interesting points from an Educator

March 08, 2020

Startup Mindset is important to be Successful, 5 interesting points from an Educator

Is Startup just a Buzz word?

A Startup's mindset is not always about the profit motive

Entreprendre is the root word for Entrepreneurship. It is a French word that means to undertake. 'Startup' is more than a buzz word. It is something that is more than just doing business, it is creating solutions and enhancing our daily lives.

A Startup's mindset may not always have a profit motive driving it, but could be more than that. I have seen it as a way of creating something a great value. Value to customers and the market.

I don't think it is a millennial fad. It is actually applying what they have understood about their field and using business to enhance the effectiveness of their venture.

So today, Let's look at five interesting points that I believe are important to a Successful Entrepreneur.

1. Being Action-oriented

Massive Action

This is one interesting aspect of a Successful Entrepreneur. The ability to move beyond the ideating phase to actual execution.

A lot of times it is the overthinking that kills the project.

Moving to action is what is needed. I remember seeing one of my ideas years later becoming an actual product. (I had thought up something similar...Won't tell you what! :))

It made me interested in Entrepreneurship even more. Sometimes we need simple ideas to begin our journey as an Entrepreneur, not a complete roadmap.

2. Moving away from Perfectionism

Perfection can seem like a very noble task as a person. But sometimes it stifles any action.

Rather than getting stuck in Perfectionism, we can move away from it to something more achievable, namely Excellence. 

Now it is more about a journey and not a destination. 

We are now focused on the daily activities and processes that enhance or kill our dreams rather than an illusory event.

3. Always being ready

One thing in life that is constant is change ( I thought Buddha said it...maybe he did). I think it is true and like death all of us experience it.

So how do we prepare for it? We can build a process or a plan for change. A successful Entrepreneur builds processes and systems to deal with change.

4. The Compounding Effect

I found this idea on many books but in this podcast 'The Mindset Mentor'. It got me thinking about it again, but more in the context of Entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is also about a compounding effect of various tasks and responsibilities carried out daily.

Small Steps that we take daily has the potential to add to our success or failure. It is something that we determine.

5. Uncovering the Reasons

Having a Strong Foundation

The reasons behind our actions or even the dream projects we undertake are important.

It should be something as firm as a rock. 

A Successful Entrepreneur understands the benefits he is proving stakeholders and himself by the projects he undertakes.


Entrepreneurs create value and opportunities for a lot of people including themselves. They bring about positive change (most of the time). But it is some important points that I just covered that make them more effective. 

There will surely be some points you find interesting in Successful Entrepreneurs that you see, please share them in the comments section.

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Further Reading


Life goals and Leadership, John Maxwell's Simple and Powerful Solution to achieving your Dreams

March 02, 2020

Working on your dreams is important

Life, Leadership Coaches, and old Dreams

John Maxwell is one of my favorite leadership coaches. I was listening yesterday to one of his podcasts. It was on achieving your dreams.

It reminded me of one of the life-changing decisions I had to make to quit Theater and settle down. 

John Maxwell is one of my Favorite Leadership coaches

I do miss Theater and acting, but having a family is a thing of its own. Sometimes quitting is an art. 

But today's blog post as the blog title suggests is not on the art of quitting. It's on achieving your dreams.

Read this article

Our Childhood Dreams

Children are so hopeful and positive

Think about it, we all have had some fantasy or dream that we wanted to achieve. We wanted to see it become a reality. 

For some of us, it may hold true that our dream has come to the past. 

But for most of us why do we not see our dreams becoming true.

One Simple Solution

John Maxwell's simple solution can help you achieve your dream project. This simple formula will keep you grounded. 

When I heard the solution, it made me realize why people or even myself may have decided to give up on some of our dreams. 

What were the reasons or situations? Was it the difficulties that made us give up. I am sure each of us can know it for ourselves. 

According to John Maxwell, the reason that people leave is pretty simple. People do not have enough reasons to continue. 

We run out of enough reasons to hold on and fighting for what we believe we deserve or want. 

The path to achieving our goals is always faced with challenges or difficulties of its own.

Read this article

Enough Reasons to Pursue your Dreams

Reasons keep us grounded. They fix us on the path to achieving our goals.  

So an important aspect of achieving goals is having enough reasons. 

These reasons must be powerful and must be something that pulls us through our challenges.

So do you have goals? Do you have reasons that ground you? 

Goals that are worth pursuing that have challenges and of course good reasons.

This insight has been quite powerful to me. 

It has helped me realize that besides hard work and good planning in life. 

It is also important to have good reasons.

Putting it to the Test

So what do we do with this new information? Of course, we must use it. 

You could start by taking some time out of our schedule and focusing on some of the goals that you are pursuing.

Try listing down reasons that you find these goals worth pursuing.

Next Step, Evaluate the reasons that you have written and chosen. 

Choose Five reasons from the list.

Remember these reasons when you need some motivation. 

What are your reasons to hold on to your dreams?


Pursuing our dreams and goals gives our life the spice and flavor to it. It makes it more interesting. 

Doing them for the right reasons and the right way is highly essential to have a fulfilling and better life.

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Further Reading

John Maxwell Leadership Podcast

P.S. Note: Please note these are not Affiliate links. I am just sharing a resource I find very insightful and useful.


Gary Vaynerchuk's 5 Powerful Hacks to Starting out as an Entrepreneur

February 06, 2020
"Ideas are shit, Execution is the Game" - Gary Vee

Gary Vaynerchuk is one of my favorite internet marketers. Why Do I Like Him? I kind of resonate with a lot that he speaks about life and especially marketing.

Besides being a successful internet personality Gary Vee is also a successful businessman. He is the founder of many businesses and successful startups.

Today I shall try looking at some of his quotes and try sharing some of the insights we can derive from them.

As an Entrepreneur, we face a lot of ups and downs, moments of ecstasy and moments of discouragement. It is great to hear from people who share some of their experiences that helped them succeed, along the path we are treading.

Entrepreneurship more than a buzz word

As an Educator, it is not uncommon for me to hear and also meet students who have a deep interest in Entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is something that is encouraged and thought of as a great way to develop societies and communities at large.

So whether it is Social or Profit oriented ventures, I am sure Gary has some insights that could help you.

Entrepreneurship and Life

'Work and Play' has become 'Work that is play', people want work that is more than just a routine. Some of us would like to monetize our hobbies or at least make our work a hobby.

We spend so much time honing a skill or mastering a job. Besides this, it eats into a lot of our time.

So Entrepreneurship or start-up culture can be a good route to achieving that ideal work, that incorporates work, business, and self-development. 

But there is no quick formula or path to achieve it ( At least that's what I am aware of )

Powerful Hack #1 Skills are cheap. Passion is Priceless

Of course, the point is not that skills are not important. But to think it is a substitute for being passionate about what you do is a wrong idea. Passion and relevance to people can be monetarily beneficial.

So a successful Entrepreneur tries to combine his passion with what the market wants.

Just being passionate will not make you a successful entrepreneur, if what you are not creating products and services that are relevant to people.

Powerful Hack #2 Hoping + Dreaming will result in nothing. Executing against your skills is the road to success.

Courtesy: Pexels

So As an Entrepreneur, Action is very important, without it we must forget about succeeding or failing. Since to fail you need to first act.

So like our New Year's resolution, we must set a goal and work towards it every day. So if shaping up is your goal, joining a gym or dieting can be the first step. Not doing these activities properly is a different issue. Execution is always key. Similarly in Entrepreneurship, setting proper and well-defined goals is key.

To be honest, a lot of us can be guilty of this ( Lack of Execution). Hoping & dreaming things and having great ideas is something quite common. But if we do not pursue our Goals, it won't be a reality.

It is important to couple our Goals with Execution, it is quite essential for an Entrepreneur to do this to succeed. Execution coupled with constant constructive feedback can have a transforming impact. We must also see that our Goals aligned with our Company's Vision.

Powerful Hack #3 Fear kills Growth

Courtesy: Image by John Hain from Pixabay

You must have heard the acrostic F.E.A.R, False expectations appearing real or this one False expectation about risks? When it comes to entrepreneurship I believe both hold true.

Do, Entrepreneurs not get scared? I think it's far from that. It is important to move beyond  FEAR and allow it to push us towards action rather than stifling us.

Powerful Hack #4 The Best Marketing Strategy ever: Care.

 Finding your niche or developing your product begins by understanding your customer's needs

It can be quite a head spinner to think of what to produce or what business to get into. Finding that perfect niche can be difficult. I think the word 'CARE' ( As Gary suggests) can really help with that one too.

Whether it is finding your niche or developing your product, understanding your customer's needs can take you a long way towards making your product a success. A good marketing strategy will reflect exactly how your offering satisfies your customer's needs and also showing that you care can create quite an impact.

Powerful Hack #5 "Winning" is not defined by me or your parents or even the market...It's defined by you.

Allowing others to define what success means or looks like, is not so motivating. You define what success means to you nobody is there to stop you. 

Define your success and achieve it...Hear it from Gary Vee

What defines success for you? Courtesy: Gary Vee

In Conclusion

There are many quotes, videos, and Content by Gary Vee. It has helped understand people and customers better. I think most of us want to balance our work and personal lives, Some of these ideas are simple and impactful.

Do use them, Let me know in the comments section how they have impacted you.


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