6 Steps to Personal Branding; 3 Important Reasons you should consider branding yourself

August 04, 2021


Why Branding is important?

I love blogging about Self help and ideas that enhance self and how we interact with each other.

Throwing in a bit of personal insights to me is a form of self expression.

Blogging is quite a competitive space and there are blogs been churned out everyday.

But I had my reasons, As I mentioned earlier. This blog has helped me express myself and reach out to people with my opinion.

I believe Personal Branding is also an essential part of Personality Development. We cannot just develop ourselves and not focus on marketing it.

I know Marketing and Sales need some sort of PR of its own. 

People normally think of Marketing as just something that gets business and bring in cash. It does, but it is the lifeline of a business.

It is about satisfying needs and wants effectively through products and services in exchange for value.

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You run a business, you work as a professional. People know you and interact with you or you could say with your brand.

They have some expectations from you. They have certain impressions of you.

How about managing this effectively? How about branding it?

Branding is about building trust and delivering on promises made besides the public image. 

Why can't you do it?

Leave a legacy...Pursue excellence

You could start out in a small way. Let me share with you 6 Steps researchers say can help you get started.

But before that some important terms you need to understand.

Some Definitions and lingo

What is a Brand?

"A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller's goods or service as distinct from those of other sellers."

What is Self-development?

Self-development is "the growth or improvement of one’s qualities and abilities."

What is Impression management?

"How someone presents themselves, such as the way they look, act, and treat other people. The general impression that a person presents to the public."

Urban Dictionary (lol, it was a good explanation)

Let us learn about Personal Branding; let us see its basics after we have understood understanding the definition and terms regarding the subject. 

6 Steps to Personal Branding

Personal Branding is a process that starts with you.

Lol, Obvious one Chris, It got to be 'yourself'. But how much do you understand you.

You have to define yourself as a Professional, A Person who has something of value to offer.

Branding can be an important part of your Professional success.

According to a Research Paper published in Medical Reference Services Quarterly, There are 6 Steps to Personal Branding,

(1) taking an introspective look

(2) understanding the brand that may already exist

(3) developing your personal brand mantra

(4) crafting your physical footprint

(5) creating your digital footprint, 

and (6) communicating your message

Brand promise value and performance and so does your Personal Brand.

3 Reasons for Branding Yourself

So Let us look at 3 Reasons you should consider it

1. Standout from the Competition

Bring out your uniqueness

Competition grows everyday, Professionally it can be difficult.

Help people understand what you stand for.

It not only helps you but it also helps others too.

Personal Branding will shine a focus on your plus points.

2. People, People and People

Impression management is an art 

You will be surprised to know how many people check you online.

If you are on LinkedIn have a look at the number of people checking your profile.

It is important, don't think 'Who cares what other people think of me'. We are social creatures, believe me you do care.

If you are in a job, business or without a job consider it. Learn and read about it.

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3. Opportunities

Practice and hit your target

There are opportunities everywhere, you never know how things may turn out.

Yes, you can leverage yourself to showcase the best in you.

Personal Branding can be used to seize opportunities at work or business.

It is a really useful tool to build your path to success.

In Conclusion

I would say Personal Branding is more than just making a noise, it is about pursuing excellence while letting people know about it.

In the future posts, I shall go deeper into each of these 6 Steps. Do check this space.

If you like this post do share & join the discussion on our FB Page.

Ciao! See you in the next post...


^Personal Branding: Building Your Pathway to Professional Success, Jodi L. Philbrick &Ana D. Cleveland, Medical Reference Services Quarterly, Volume 34,2015- Issue 2

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Ponder points: What the month of July taught me? 3 Interesting Insights that could help me change

July 17, 2021


July has been kind to me

Gosh! This month has been masala packed. I have personally learnt a lot.

I would like share some of my insights this month has shared with me.

This month started as a regular month. One of the precious moments being my Mom's Birthday on the 4th of July.

This pandemic has brought me close to my Wife's family. It has been an insightful experience.

My daughter started school; managing work with schooling can be a challenge for a lot of parents.

3 Insights that helped me see Life differently this month

You can choose your Perspective

Learning and insights

You must be thinking Chris, Duh, isn't it obvious? Not for me...

After consuming some content from New Agers, I realized that I don't need to be fixated into one perspective.

Since ideas have consequences , So does see things from a perspective. When we think in terms of possibilities and scan different perspectives in our day to day lives its a different matter.

I actually started practicing it. It works like magic.

You can be Assertive, but being rude is not necessary

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I think sometimes Rudeness can be needed. But mostly it is not required. 

Assertiveness is something that helps resolve issues and when we master it. We can come across as being unnecessarily rude.

It was a realization that humbled me. (This post is feeling like a confession now...Lol)

I learnt that I was expressing myself without hurting others (unnecessarily).

You can blog without writing long posts, Hop on Twitter

Twitter is fun! Connect with me.

Initially Twitter seemed like something everyone followed and enjoyed; I couldn't see the point of it.

I forced myself to sign up and just use the platform. Its simplicity is so attractive.

Sometimes a line is enough to express oneself. Writing a long post just to keep it SEO friendly for the sake of it is completely not required.

Let's connect on Twitter and microblog...

In Conclusion

I have learnt so much in 15 days, Learning can shake up a lot of wrong ideas and can open New channels that enrich you.

I would say that learning different perspectives is helpful and besides informing you it can give you useful ideas.

So I hope it is not to early but July has been a kind month for me. I wish you a great month and wonderful day.

Do share your comments and connect with me on FB. Subscribe to my Newsletter by clicking here!



Osho on Awareness, Powerful Quote that summarises Awareness

July 12, 2021


What does Awareness mean?

I love Osho for the simplicity and the honesty in the way he explains concepts. I sometimes do not agree with all of his view and as far as I know he would expect the same.

Some of us may suffer from Overthinking. Believe me overthinking can be a pain.

Obsessively driven to rationalize and think all the time.

It can be a horrible experience. It can stifle decisions, make you seem cowardly when you are not and a whole host of negatives.

 Practicing Awareness has helped in in this regard. It has helped be more still and absorb the value of each moment.

It is a miraculous experience. Read the quote and come back to it whenever you can.

A miraculous experience

Be present in the moment and let the moment be present in you.

I hope you enjoyed this quick post. See you in the next one!

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5 Ideas to achieve more this month; How these new ideas can transform you life?

July 04, 2021
Charting new territories can be daunting

I was going to write this article with a lot of negativity in my head. I must confess I don't have a problem with Negativity, but I felt a sense of having a heavy head and negativity combined (a toxic combination).

I thought of just being present in the moment and releasing all these thoughts. I had a small sip of water and just distracted myself with a small conversation.

Now I am really refreshed and it feels awesome. 

I believe every moment and month is an opportunity. I also believe every hope and desire you have has meaning and is important.

Sometimes we have this thought that things should be perfect or better. I think accepting the madness and living in spite of it, is the key.

So the question at hand is how do we achieve what we think is important to us quickly and now.

Let me share a story with you,

This story I lived during my dieting phase. I had got a full health checkup done for some reason I don't remember and when I showed the doctor (who was going to help me with my weight issues) the results were quite concerning.

It just shocked me and I don't know why (I was quite a foodie). My diet was not the healthiest and I thought the solution to it was losing weight. 

I just wanted to lose all of this weight quickly. I asked the doctor to help me lose it and within a month.

I was ready to do anything to lose it, the doctor told me it was not recommended to lose it so soon and in an just a month (What was I thinking, lol).

He suggested I change my lifestyle and it really helped me shape up.

Later I realized that wanting something can make it happen, but there is a time and timespan for certain tasks to bear fruit in an optimal way.

We don't need to rush and have it instantly. In my case, I realized that Weight or being fat was a symptom of an unhealthy lifestyle.

There are different body shapes and its good, but in my situation I had no reason to look like that.

How can we achieve more this month?

Firstly, Stop reading this article. Reading is a good habit. I love reading and it teaches you a lot.

You get to connect with a lot of ideas and people, it is fun. But for the reading to impact your life, you need to act.

Action is a very important component. You want things to change, take action. Can things get worse, yes it could? But staying where you are and not acting is not going to change anything.

Yes, There is a risk to taking action. I have written a couple of blogs on Action. Check it here!

I would accompany 'Taking Action' with being Present in the moment. Let the current moment absorb you.

Don't let your mind wander, focus on the moment. I am writing a blog, I write the blog, I don't let my mind wander and think about anything else.

Give your 100% to yourself by focusing on your actions. You have been planning and waiting for this moment since a long time. Give it your best.

Now since you are taking action, What do you do next? See where you are going and think about the possibilities.

Sometimes certain Perceptions may not bear the potential to be fruitful. We must explore different sides to the same situation.

Life is dynamic and so should also our plans bear the same quality (of dynamism). It should have the potential to adapt.

Don't get fixated an treating your plans like recipes. You can try going off route and come back to it.

Don't confuse excursions for a journey. Excursions are short picnics, while journeys are travels to places that can be more important or longer.

In an excursion we enjoy the place and the moments, In a journey we have a destination we have to reach and be there for a while.

Similarly, when we are working our plans and we go off route. Treat them like small experiments and mental picnics. Don't treat them like the end of a story.

Just continue writing the next paragraph (of Life) and add to the story. The journey should continue even with the small distractions.

Lastly, you succeeded and achieved what you wanted. Congrats! Great job, set another goal. You are alive and you have the potential achieve more.

If not for yourself, then for others. You didn't succeed not bad, You succeeded 95%. 

Yes, you didn't win the coveted crown or prize. But you reached far enough, a lot of people have not reached as far as you have.

Leverage your experience creatively, use the project and experience elsewhere.

There have been a lot of success stories that have started like this. Transforming their failures to successes.

So Let me end with another story,

There is this interesting set of stories of super successful people who had to bear a healthy dose of failure before making it to the top.

Check the article here(Entrepreneur.com)! I would like to highlight the story of Arianna Huffington.

She was rejected many times before succeeding and building up the Huffington Post.

Our rejections and failures are feedback, how you use it is your choice.

In Conclusion

You are starting out a New project or working on one or even succeeded at one or many. I think it is a valuable thing to fail or succeed and to work on what something you value as important.

Here at this Blog, I share personal insights, they are not magical 5 lists. But they surely highlight the ways in which I believe Self help and simple ideas can be transformative.

One thing is common in most, The pursuit to enjoy a better life. The definitions will surely differ.

Please do share your comments and what you think on our FB Page.

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Battles are not won by luck, but by strategy and the will to fight

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5 Top Mobile Apps to Manage your Time like you Manage your Money

June 09, 2021


Manage your time with Apps


Wow, We are reaching the completion of the first half of  2021. But one of the issues you must be facing is no time for sure.

Time is a resource we have less of and sometimes its not enough. As a parent there are moments I feel I have no time for certain activities I had when I was single.

So it is the pain of 'No time', time is such a precious resource. Time is really money. 

I did some digging to find apps that can manage time and I thought I would write a blog to share it with you.

I am sure there are many resources on time management, why not an app? 

Is this a complete list?

Does it need to be a complete one? I have included some of the best. It will save some time when you try some of them.

I personally liked the idea of an app. It adds flexibility and its a pretty alternative to Excel, Keep etc.

I would say it is a complete list in the sense, the apps are helpful. So lets jump to the list and see why they may help you with managing time.

Top 5 Mobile Apps

Some of these apps may not have a web app version. Some could be premium which is important (It's business and they are serious about giving you a good app). You don't want an app that is only a hobby project.

Managing time is a serious business, so is getting a good application.


This is the first on the list, I have used is this app. I used the desktop version of it. I find it really useful for personal and work related activities.

You can manage the simplest to the most complicated task using this system.

You have the free and paid versions depending on what you need. I use the free version and I have a desktop version of the application.

The paid version starts at around $10 per user per month. It's known to be one of the best designed Kanban apps.

(Affiliate Link)

Google Calendar

This one app that resides on your phone and mobile, especially if you have a google account. Believe me it's really powerful.

Let's see some ways we could use it. Schedule meetings, get event reminders, email your daily agenda to your inbox.

A whole host of mind blowing tasks that you can you use your Google Calendar for.

A small list of tasks you can perform with Google Calendar:

  • Create new calendars for different purposes
  • Schedule meetings with groups
  • Sync meetings with your CRM
  • Sync your calendar with your marketing software
  • Hide your event details
  • Add Attachments
  • Enable your world clock
  • Enable working hours
  • Email event guests

So as person who doesn't reinvent the wheel, here is a great article on how to use Google for Time Management.

Focus Booster

This is a really power application. It has a free and a paid version of the same app.

It is based on the Pomodoro technique that chunks time into slots for work and break.

This app helps you implement this technique and build discipline. Besides this it can create dashboards, reports and can be used for client billing.

Using this app can boost your productivity and can organize your time. It is a useful app to build discipline especially with respect to management of time.

Loop - Habit Tracker

This app is more of a habit tracker rather than a time management tool.

It keeps a score of your habits and has a formula to calculate the strength of your habits.

It is completely free to download and use as mobile app. Currently it is available for Android only.


This is web application is a project management tool. That is more work oriented.

It can be used for managing work and projects. It helps you deal with deadlines and also work with teams

This application has a free and a paid version that are quite powerful.

Honorable Mention

Remember the Milk

This is another cool application. So with Remember the Milk, You manage your time and also the tasks you want to complete.

This connects with the Google drive and it also has an app for Apple Watch.

It has a free and a paid version. It has a whole host of powerful integrations.

Wrapping it up

Time is a very important resource, Managing it is vital and important. It can help us bring out more from ourselves than we expected.

These tools are just resources that help us and are just addons to make the process much easier.

If there is any tool you have been using that we have not covered, Please mention it on our FB Page.

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