7 Powerful Elements to add Authenticity to your Personal Brand, A Short Guide

Authenticity and your Personal Brand

Do you remember the time when you read about your favourite celebrity in Magazine? Or that Page 3 article covering the latest gossip about them. 

Nowadays, Social media platforms have changed the way we communicate. 

It has helped us relate more to people we idolise. It has helped us connect with people we met and would like to know.

This has put an important need for understanding people. The need to see who they are. The need for authenticity has become highly essential.

Social media platforms have transformed the people who influence others into brands. Authenticity has a huge role in building powerful Personal Brands.

You could check some of my Blogs on Personal Branding,

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What is a Personal Brand?

We all know and relate to different brands every day. We buy and patronise various goods and services. They add value to our lives. These brands come with a unique identity and promises.

We grow to love and hate these brands. Personal brands are influencers, people we know and associate with something unique. 

This could be a service they offer. Some Entertainment value they bring or plain admiration that we have for them.

Personal Branding is the process of creating personal brands. Authenticity is one such element in Personal Brands. 

There are other elements like Vision, Personality, Differentiation etc.

Authenticity as a Part of Branding

Faking it may be useful but when done badly it can backfire

I am sure some of us have been to an Education Fair. We go to hear some of our favourite speakers. 

We walk through aisles of many universities lined up into stalls. They promote the latest courses on offer. It's an experience that makes you think about possibilities.

Similarly, when we meet people for business or play we try to create the best impression of ourselves. 

We try to market ourselves and that's awesome. When we are online whether on Facebook or Linkedin we are doing the same thing. We are creating an impression. Most of us understand that.

Faking it may be useful but when done badly it can backfire. We can be perceived to be inauthentic. 

Authenticity can be a force that shows the person behind the brand. It peels away the veneer of the image to bring a bit of 'You' to your brand.

There are benefits to doing this, People learn to trust you and over a period of time even perceive you as a leader. 

So if you are churning out great content on Makeup or Sport or anything else. People learn from you and this adds value to your brand.

I would like to share some elements that build authenticity.

7 Powerful elements of Building Authenticity:

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Honesty works

This is an obvious one. We know the importance of honesty. 

But some may wonder how sensible it is, to be honest. Honesty is an important part of Authenticity. People are relating to you and not just the idea of you.

Clarity of our values and what we are offering is important.

We need to be clear about our brand values to build authenticity.

Understanding People:

Understand others by understanding yourself

Who are we communicating to? Communication is not unidirectional. 

We need to understand others. What they think, what they feel? 

These questions are important. This will help us communicate effectively with them. 

If you have certain principles and values that define you, so do people. Understanding people can help you serve them better, this, in turn, builds authenticity.


Marketing can be as simple as speaking to someone

Communication is essential and it is not only about creating viral content. 

It can also be engaging with people. Understanding their problems and needs. 

We must try to see how can we add value. Bombarding people with messages is pushy and not needed. 

Listening is also an important part of communication. We can get great ideas and useful feedback while we listen and engage with our audience.


Check this article, Click here

What are you doing? What are you about? You need to be clear about how are you relevant to the people you are serving. This requires clarity. 

Let me explain it with an example If you are a working professional. People who need your product/service would want to know how it serves them. 

If you can guide and help them with understanding to meet these needs. You become relevant. 

Relevance adds to the building of authenticity, but it all starts with Clarity. Being clear about what you do and who it benefits.


We can listen and learn

You are a person. Show the human side of you. You don't need to be plastic, you can be yourself whilst understanding others. It's okay to be you.

Be clear about how relevant you are to serving people you relate with. We all have shortcomings and so do you. But we can listen and learn, it's okay to show that side of you.

The benefits are tremendous, you don't need to fake it. You listen and get feedback that helps you learn. You understand how to serve people better by being yourself.


You are Unique and believing that is a Choice

So you offer a service or you entertain people. Too bad other people do the same. But is that something to worry about? 

Of course not, You can bring something unique to your audience.

This does not need to be strikingly different. It needs to be something that does not recreate the wheel but adds something different that helps people.


Things can be Difficult, Don't give up

All major brands and influencers have not become brands overnight. 

They all share consistency as a unique trait. 

Be consistent, keep engaging and sharing ideas with people.

In Conclusion

Social Media has democratised influence and helped us network better. But Authenticity and being real is something we all value.

I have shared 7 elements that I feel would really add value to you and your audience by building authenticity to your Personal Brand.

"Case Study on Building an Authentic Brand", Coming Soon.

Check my Instagram page, @officialchriseducator, Let's connect!







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