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Osho on Awareness, Powerful Quote that summarises Awareness

July 12, 2021


What does Awareness mean?

I love Osho for the simplicity and the honesty in the way he explains concepts. I sometimes do not agree with all of his view and as far as I know he would expect the same.

Some of us may suffer from Overthinking. Believe me overthinking can be a pain.

Obsessively driven to rationalize and think all the time.

It can be a horrible experience. It can stifle decisions, make you seem cowardly when you are not and a whole host of negatives.

 Practicing Awareness has helped in in this regard. It has helped be more still and absorb the value of each moment.

It is a miraculous experience. Read the quote and come back to it whenever you can.

A miraculous experience

Be present in the moment and let the moment be present in you.

I hope you enjoyed this quick post. See you in the next one!

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5 Ideas to achieve more this month; How these new ideas can transform you life?

July 04, 2021
Charting new territories can be daunting

I was going to write this article with a lot of negativity in my head. I must confess I don't have a problem with Negativity, but I felt a sense of having a heavy head and negativity combined (a toxic combination).

I thought of just being present in the moment and releasing all these thoughts. I had a small sip of water and just distracted myself with a small conversation.

Now I am really refreshed and it feels awesome. 

I believe every moment and month is an opportunity. I also believe every hope and desire you have has meaning and is important.

Sometimes we have this thought that things should be perfect or better. I think accepting the madness and living in spite of it, is the key.

So the question at hand is how do we achieve what we think is important to us quickly and now.

Let me share a story with you,

This story I lived during my dieting phase. I had got a full health checkup done for some reason I don't remember and when I showed the doctor (who was going to help me with my weight issues) the results were quite concerning.

It just shocked me and I don't know why (I was quite a foodie). My diet was not the healthiest and I thought the solution to it was losing weight. 

I just wanted to lose all of this weight quickly. I asked the doctor to help me lose it and within a month.

I was ready to do anything to lose it, the doctor told me it was not recommended to lose it so soon and in an just a month (What was I thinking, lol).

He suggested I change my lifestyle and it really helped me shape up.

Later I realized that wanting something can make it happen, but there is a time and timespan for certain tasks to bear fruit in an optimal way.

We don't need to rush and have it instantly. In my case, I realized that Weight or being fat was a symptom of an unhealthy lifestyle.

There are different body shapes and its good, but in my situation I had no reason to look like that.

How can we achieve more this month?

Firstly, Stop reading this article. Reading is a good habit. I love reading and it teaches you a lot.

You get to connect with a lot of ideas and people, it is fun. But for the reading to impact your life, you need to act.

Action is a very important component. You want things to change, take action. Can things get worse, yes it could? But staying where you are and not acting is not going to change anything.

Yes, There is a risk to taking action. I have written a couple of blogs on Action. Check it here!

I would accompany 'Taking Action' with being Present in the moment. Let the current moment absorb you.

Don't let your mind wander, focus on the moment. I am writing a blog, I write the blog, I don't let my mind wander and think about anything else.

Give your 100% to yourself by focusing on your actions. You have been planning and waiting for this moment since a long time. Give it your best.

Now since you are taking action, What do you do next? See where you are going and think about the possibilities.

Sometimes certain Perceptions may not bear the potential to be fruitful. We must explore different sides to the same situation.

Life is dynamic and so should also our plans bear the same quality (of dynamism). It should have the potential to adapt.

Don't get fixated an treating your plans like recipes. You can try going off route and come back to it.

Don't confuse excursions for a journey. Excursions are short picnics, while journeys are travels to places that can be more important or longer.

In an excursion we enjoy the place and the moments, In a journey we have a destination we have to reach and be there for a while.

Similarly, when we are working our plans and we go off route. Treat them like small experiments and mental picnics. Don't treat them like the end of a story.

Just continue writing the next paragraph (of Life) and add to the story. The journey should continue even with the small distractions.

Lastly, you succeeded and achieved what you wanted. Congrats! Great job, set another goal. You are alive and you have the potential achieve more.

If not for yourself, then for others. You didn't succeed not bad, You succeeded 95%. 

Yes, you didn't win the coveted crown or prize. But you reached far enough, a lot of people have not reached as far as you have.

Leverage your experience creatively, use the project and experience elsewhere.

There have been a lot of success stories that have started like this. Transforming their failures to successes.

So Let me end with another story,

There is this interesting set of stories of super successful people who had to bear a healthy dose of failure before making it to the top.

Check the article here(! I would like to highlight the story of Arianna Huffington.

She was rejected many times before succeeding and building up the Huffington Post.

Our rejections and failures are feedback, how you use it is your choice.

In Conclusion

You are starting out a New project or working on one or even succeeded at one or many. I think it is a valuable thing to fail or succeed and to work on what something you value as important.

Here at this Blog, I share personal insights, they are not magical 5 lists. But they surely highlight the ways in which I believe Self help and simple ideas can be transformative.

One thing is common in most, The pursuit to enjoy a better life. The definitions will surely differ.

Please do share your comments and what you think on our FB Page.

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5 Top Mobile Apps to Manage your Time like you Manage your Money

June 09, 2021


Manage your time with Apps


Wow, We are reaching the completion of the first half of  2021. But one of the issues you must be facing is no time for sure.

Time is a resource we have less of and sometimes its not enough. As a parent there are moments I feel I have no time for certain activities I had when I was single.

So it is the pain of 'No time', time is such a precious resource. Time is really money. 

I did some digging to find apps that can manage time and I thought I would write a blog to share it with you.

I am sure there are many resources on time management, why not an app? 

Is this a complete list?

Does it need to be a complete one? I have included some of the best. It will save some time when you try some of them.

I personally liked the idea of an app. It adds flexibility and its a pretty alternative to Excel, Keep etc.

I would say it is a complete list in the sense, the apps are helpful. So lets jump to the list and see why they may help you with managing time.

Top 5 Mobile Apps

Some of these apps may not have a web app version. Some could be premium which is important (It's business and they are serious about giving you a good app). You don't want an app that is only a hobby project.

Managing time is a serious business, so is getting a good application.


This is the first on the list, I have used is this app. I used the desktop version of it. I find it really useful for personal and work related activities.

You can manage the simplest to the most complicated task using this system.

You have the free and paid versions depending on what you need. I use the free version and I have a desktop version of the application.

The paid version starts at around $10 per user per month. It's known to be one of the best designed Kanban apps.

(Affiliate Link)

Google Calendar

This one app that resides on your phone and mobile, especially if you have a google account. Believe me it's really powerful.

Let's see some ways we could use it. Schedule meetings, get event reminders, email your daily agenda to your inbox.

A whole host of mind blowing tasks that you can you use your Google Calendar for.

A small list of tasks you can perform with Google Calendar:

  • Create new calendars for different purposes
  • Schedule meetings with groups
  • Sync meetings with your CRM
  • Sync your calendar with your marketing software
  • Hide your event details
  • Add Attachments
  • Enable your world clock
  • Enable working hours
  • Email event guests

So as person who doesn't reinvent the wheel, here is a great article on how to use Google for Time Management.

Focus Booster

This is a really power application. It has a free and a paid version of the same app.

It is based on the Pomodoro technique that chunks time into slots for work and break.

This app helps you implement this technique and build discipline. Besides this it can create dashboards, reports and can be used for client billing.

Using this app can boost your productivity and can organize your time. It is a useful app to build discipline especially with respect to management of time.

Loop - Habit Tracker

This app is more of a habit tracker rather than a time management tool.

It keeps a score of your habits and has a formula to calculate the strength of your habits.

It is completely free to download and use as mobile app. Currently it is available for Android only.


This is web application is a project management tool. That is more work oriented.

It can be used for managing work and projects. It helps you deal with deadlines and also work with teams

This application has a free and a paid version that are quite powerful.

Honorable Mention

Remember the Milk

This is another cool application. So with Remember the Milk, You manage your time and also the tasks you want to complete.

This connects with the Google drive and it also has an app for Apple Watch.

It has a free and a paid version. It has a whole host of powerful integrations.

Wrapping it up

Time is a very important resource, Managing it is vital and important. It can help us bring out more from ourselves than we expected.

These tools are just resources that help us and are just addons to make the process much easier.

If there is any tool you have been using that we have not covered, Please mention it on our FB Page.

You could connect with us on FB, Like and Subscribe to get notifications on our Recent posts and other Updates.


Five Barriers to action now, Insights from Top Influencers and why not taking acting can be a huge loss, Just start now!

May 24, 2021


Barriers keeping you back...Moving beyond limitations

He got started as a Trainer and he got presented with a Network Marketing Plan. He dived into it headfirst and is really killing it. He is into Crypto Trading too and doing well there too.

Besides the Merits and Demerits of Network Marketing and Crypto, he is learning and experimenting with what he understands. You may say Chris this is so risky.

Yes, it is, but not doing anything is equally risky. The amazing thing here is the fact that he was able to make it with the opportunity he had.

Sometimes a winning mindset is about putting things into motion; accompanied by the desire to learn from mistakes and others.

Paul is not an expert trader or a master marketer, he is just a person with the right mindset and desire to learn.

Learning is risky

Yes, It can be sh*t disruptive in a bad kind of way. It shows you another part of reality and it also makes you realise how much you don't know.

One thing I know about knowledge; is in plenty. Getting too much of it will cripple you(imagine the choices and the stuff to learn). A good way is to add 'Action' to the mix.

How do we do that? Let's say you are starting a business. You are ready with your business plan.

Put it in action, Meet Probable Clients. Interview and negotiate with suppliers. So Let's say you don't have a plan.

You can still Meet people understand their needs and businesses see what they offer and how they can add value to you. It could be difficult or plain awkward. But it's better than not doing anything.

You are starting out somewhere, there is no great cost involved. You could speak over the phone or just email them a questionnaire. There are plenty of options. Be creative!

So what are some Barriers we face before we start out and we must begin now!

Why lose out?

You and I know that every endeavour however good and positive does not promise success.

Let's do a short thought experiment. You start a Coaching business online, you create videos, training material and a whole lot of goodies.

It does not give you good results. Does this mean that there is no value in your efforts?

Absolutely not! So what can be done? How can we get the value we are seeking for it?

How about leveraging what you created? Can the resource you created to be used for generating leads?

You can offer it as a free program and get leads. You can repackage it and offer it to your students in your college or school.

You can offer it as a digital product online. People can test your product and it will give you feedback. You can use this feedback to improve your offering.

There is no lost effort, just a couple of ideas to repurpose it. If all this doesn't work, maybe you can get inspiration for your next project.

Rome wasn't built in a day; so wasn't Facebook, Starbucks and other businesses. 

Some Quick Reasons to start your Dream Project:

You deserve it:

Yes, You heard me right. Just because magical thinking isn't good, but it does not mean that you don't deserve better.

Imagine getting a better career or even a new car can be life-changing to you and your close ones.

Aim, Plan and work out your plans; Leverage what you learn from the experience. Achieve your dreams, you deserve it.

It may be valuable to others too:

Being satisfied is good, Being contented may not be the best alternative. We may have what makes us happy, but centring everything around us is good in a limited way.

Expand your influence to others, your dreams and goals is also a force to bring positive change. Change into our communities and societies for the good.

That Startup and business you wanted may be a blessing in the making for others too.

Being content can be spiritual, but selfish too:

This may seem like a repetition but it's not. Contentment is awesome, the feeling of having everything that makes life better.

But being satisfied feels like we have reached our destination, Why try? We all live in communities.

Whether we acknowledge it or not, our communities have been a blessing. They are not perfect, of course. But they are not completely horrible.

Giving back is not just some kind of exemplary virtue, it's also about choosing to be less self-centred.

So before we go ahead with some of the barriers we face repeat to yourself, "Why not?"

Barriers to Taking action

Wrong Mindset

All of this “every person can be extraordinary and achieve greatness” stuff is basically just jerking off your ego. It’s shit sold to you to make you feel good for a few minutes

- Mark Manson, Being Average [Blog post]

This is a key point, Mindset can be a difficult thing to fix.

Years of conditioning, personal experiences and a whole lot of ideas though not completely wrong can prevent us from achieving what we aim for.

I remember encountering this idea in a book related to Anxiety, the idea extolled the importance of being Average.

This sounded a bit odd. Sometimes we think our projects and outcomes need to be spectacular. I am sure a lot of Online courses and gurus preach the same.

But building a robust and well-focused business or project just does not need to be spectacular. It can be average but continuously improving and serving people better.

Mindset change to me is more about accepting responsibility for your dreams and actions.

Average does not mean substandard. It just means as good as the rest, but nothing stops it from being unique and different.

Under/Over appreciation of Self

The way you see things - your attitude - is the most important factor in your success.
- Zig Ziglar

I have seen it both in myself, this is not an exercise in self-deprecation. I am just wanting to be honest. Don't think I got it all going perfect.

As a former member of a pseudo-cult, I see the harmful effects of disinformation.

I think an under or over appreciation of self are both barriers. I think it prevents us from the opportunity to deal with issues whilst learning how to improve our situations and ourselves.

If we need to improve and have a better life, we need to understand ourselves first. Maybe what is keeping us back from taking action is because we don't have a healthy view of ourselves.

Stop, think and reflect on yourself. Keep a journal to learn more about how you think.

Give yourself a chance and act on your goals. You will learn a lot about your goals and yourself too.

Having No Plan

Never begin the day until it is finished on paper

- Jim Rohn

As a former IT professional, One thing I can tell you with confidence. Planning is really powerful, But don't get lost in your plans.

When one plan does not work, an opportunity to learn and set another plan in motion.

Planning gives structure to your time and purpose. Sometimes what keeps us back is we don't know where and why to begin.

Planning takes care of the part of 'What needs to be done?' You can review your day and see how productive you have been.

Review your day against the plan you made for it. You can see how productive you have been and what are activities did not bear fruit.

In the scenario that you are able to live the day by your plan; you get to review what activities will be more beneficial and profitable. 

Create great moments and days by planning well.


Extreme fear can neither fight nor fly.

- William Shakespeare

New Direction, new beginnings can have an element of the unknown. We may not know what lies ahead or how we may look in front of people.

This can bring a measure of fear. This feeling may stifle your action or the desire to act.

This can be a painful situation to be in. Take action, Yes it does not have the guarantee of success. But a chance in succeeding is better than no chance at all.

If the Plan is worthy and good to you and won't affect anybody else. It could be a place to consider planning and thought before acting on it.

Overthinking is also not good. But coupling action with planning will give you direction, it will help you realise the possibilities and reality behind your plans. 

Overestimating the Past

Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.  

- Bill Gates

So you are a veteran and experienced professional. You have tried and failed, you have seen it all.

You don't feel encouraged to continue or try something new. Maybe you need to reevaluate the way you look at your past experiences.

As a person with a fair amount of experience, I realise that sometimes we selectively look at our past. We overlook the bad or good moments depending on how situations might make us feel.

We may not be as objective as we think we are.  I personally found it more productive to learn from the past and continue with my current plans.

Success is also about the journey (Does it sound cliched? lol) But it is true...

In Conclusion

Yes, there is a lot more that can be said. But there is a lot that needs to be done.

Sometimes life and situations can be discouraging, or sometimes we may just be too lazy. I would encourage you to start today.

Maybe in a small way, Just by planning or take action on a plan. Barriers are means to take you to the next level.

Wish you a happy learning day, if you liked this article, Do Share it.

You could share your views by commenting on our FB Page.


How Taking Action can help you achieve an impactful life? 5 Powerful life skills from Christonanda

May 11, 2021
Taking action is one of the Keys to an Impactful Life

Beginners Guide to Taking Action

Have you ever stubbed your own toe? Recently, A student while in Class did exactly that. He moved his office chair over his own feet. Gosh! That was so painful. He immediately tried to ease the pain. 

Not working on our Personal Projects and dream should feel the same, Like stubbing our own toe. Taking action for some projects should be immediate and with intent. Just like my student was hurt, we too must feel the pain of not doing what we are meant to do.

The pain of our dreams not becoming a reality. Pain can force us to get to work. 

Most of us have awesome dreams, worthy goals and reasonable projects. Why don't we take action? What is stopping us?

The answer is quite obvious to each of us. We must sometimes stop and reflect. Then we may have the answers.

Achieving the important goals of Life

Jesus may save you or Buddha may help you achieve Nirvana. But If you want to achieve your dream projects. You need to start.

Lol, It is obvious, right! But sometimes the obvious, sound profound when others say it.

There are reasons why we may want to lose weight or get rich. Maybe it's some kind of insecurity.

But think about it, What if you achieve it. Okay, Your goal is unrealistic, But you can begin and learn about the realistic part of it.

Is achieving success a solution to Mental Peace and Happiness? Maybe or Maybe not. But your goals are a symptom of a need that you have or you sense other people have.

Uncovering it may be an interesting place to start. It can be a learning experience, you may have wrong ideas or it is possible you have just been toying with myths. 

Your project is not always just for your own satisfaction, it has a broader purpose. It changes the way we live. It satisfies a need or a want that adds value to somebodies life.

Our action can be a means to enhance not just our lives but also those around us.

To connect your Goal or project with something larger. Hooking it to a Vision and a purpose will help you chart uncertain territories and help you make key decisions.

The Process of achieving your Goal is a journey. Journeys are a series of paths, actions and choices we make.

Take action and dominate your life

I always thought sharing ideas with people was something to avoid. But now I realise that ideas are in plenty.

Executing the ideas and putting them into action is what matters. When we execute ideas, we make plans.

Some of these plans take us ahead and succeed, while others teach us lessons. the problem is that people rarely think of executing ideas.

On my own personal journey, it took me quite a while to start working on my idea of starting this blog.

After a lot of prodding and pushing from people I got to work. It's been an exciting journey. It has taught me a lot.

Let me ask you a question, What stops you from starting out? Are you looking for all the resources? Do you want to begin when situations are perfect? Is it reasonable to think like this?

These are questions we need to ponder upon. But think about it, Not working on a good idea is to kill it before it bears fruit. Nothing wrong or right about it, But only potentially missed opportunities.

Inaction is also a decision in itself. Think about good ideas, plan them and shoot them down when needed. May the best idea become a reality!

Essential Steps to taking Actions now

So Let me share some pointers to use for starting out. Just some common knowledge highlighted and shared.

I have been trying to implement some of these ideas into my daily schedule.

1) Start the day on the right note

Choose to get up on the right side of the bed. Take control of your day by choosing to take control of it. It's your day, it's a chapter in your life.

Why don't you plan it and deal with important things first? Get them out of your way. If you are able to complete at least 75% of the task on your list. I would say it's a great beginning.

2) You are responsible for your own actions

Blaming others may be right in certain circumstances, but in all situations, you are responsible for your actions.

Learn to take control of the choices you make whether by action or inaction. Inaction is also a choice.

Bringing clarity to the purpose behind your actions can come by tying it to some goal you want to achieve.

3) Starting out small

I have noticed it with a lot of people, they start out in a big way and when they face difficulties they just give up. I noticed the same in myself too.

Starting out small is not bad, you get to test out and sample your big project. You can begin by introducing new habits each week. It can be really transformative.

If you lapsed into an old routine, it's no problem ...Start a new habit and continue once more.

4) Inaction is an action

It's an act not to deal with situations. You may say, Chris, There are some things difficult to deal with. Yes, there are difficult problems, but there is nothing stopping you from trying out new and various solutions.

Give various ideas a Test drive, you could do them as a thought experiment or just dedicate a few hours to try something with potential life-changing power. 

5) Focus and focus some more

I think one of the reasons we fail with our New year's resolution is this one problem. We tend to live life like goldfishes

The next distraction gets us off our focus. Slacking sometimes is normal, but punishing yourself by giving up is not necessary. You deserve to achieve that goal.

Read this short blog on dealing with the Unplanned!

6) Being Accountable

This is one powerful idea I got from Napolean Hill's book, 'Think and Grow Rich'. He speaks of a Mastermind group.

I think the modern term would be accountability partners. It does not need to be a group of people. But it depends on the scale of your project.

Be accountable to your goals and future self along with your band of supporters.

7) Don't work when you are partying

I think this is an obvious one, but quite often overlooked. Maybe cause we are not absorbed into what we are doing.

We need to be committed to achieving what is right for us. So when we party, we party and when we play, we play.

8) Become a Problem Solver

Guess what is the one fact about Science and Social Studies that motivates me. The fact that as humans our strength lies in problem-solving.

We dealt with nature by mastering what we learnt from it. We dreamed of achieving happiness and personal contentment by working on goals and our dreams.

We are problem solvers and it is a fact. We can be a bad or good problem solvers, we are problem solvers nonetheless.

9) People's opinions matter and they don't

I will not lie to you and tell you that people's opinions won't affect you. It may, but the choice is yours. I don't see how it makes a difference.

You pay your taxes and deal with your own problems. Limiting people's bad influence in life is okay.

If we become people-pleasers, when do we don't please ourselves and we sacrifice our lives for someone else's opinions.  What are the payoffs and even if you think there are some payoffs maybe they only are in your own head?

Is it worth sacrificing your goals on the altar of someone's opinion?

10) Be Enthusiastic

Anything worth doing can be done with some enthusiasm. Half-hearted and sloppy work may give results sometimes.

But enthusiasm will take you through rough patches and phases when you have no support. Be your own Cheerleader and be enthused for the goals you want to achieve.

11) Make the process, Fun

Why shouldn't it be Fun? Just because the journey can be difficult. It does not mean it should not be fun.

Try adding some fun to the process. Read and Research ways to improve the process of achieving your goals.

Plan it out and schedule fun activities. So for example, if you are Dieting. How can you add activities or events that can add fun to the process of dieting? If you are blogging what are the fun elements in blogging.

You don't need to make it a task of martyrdom although it does involve some self-sacrifice. Don't kill all the fun from the process.

12) Celebrate your milestones

Expressing joy and exhilaration in achieving something is Human. Celebrating can border on chest-thumping which may be good but it may rob you of your power and will to continue on the journey.

It may fool you into thinking that you arrived and it may rob you of the enthusiasm to continue. You deserve to achieve your goals and not an illusion of it.

In Conclusion

I think we all deserve to achieve all the good and lovely dreams we have. Except for a few people who don't deserve their dreams to become a reality (Anti Social Elements).

As Humans, we all have dreams and goals we want to achieve. We plan and that is good, But adding some action to it can be explosive.

It may get your success or the much-needed feedback to improve. Claim your dreams and work on them.

I hope this blog was able to get you working on your goals. See you in the next post, Share and Comment on something about your dreams in the comment section.

Further Reading


Treasuring and Missing our loved ones during tough times, 5 Suggested Strategies to cope with grief

May 03, 2021

Grieving is something we all may have to encounter at some point


One of the two things constant in Life is Death and the second is Change. I think this is attributed to Buddha, I found this idea quite profound.

I have lost loved ones to death and it is a painful experience. You wonder (at the moment) if there is some way to restore them. It is painful to see them being buried or cremated. But it is a part of life.

It's everywhere in Nature, Death and New Birth. How does one cope with losing someone dear? I don't know if there is a special 5 step formula, but I do know the pain is real.

If you are one of those people who is experiencing this unfortunate situation. I wish you hope and strength, I am sorry for your loss.

I have collected some ideas that may serve you. They may help you cope and guide you through these difficult times.

Before writing and researching this article, I have dwelt on this topic many times.

Grief and Loss: An important Life event?

As we grow older this is a reality we find ourselves in. The possibility of us transitioning into the afterlife and our loved ones going through the same.

These pointers will focus on those who are left behind. Those who are bearing the pain of this huge loss.

I have spoken to a few friends and email subscribers, I am going to share some of the ideas I have got. Suggestions here are meant to help you cope and not serve as an alternative to Professional Medical Help.

Life can be difficult, community support and the right kind of Medical Support can be really productive. (Speaking as a recipient of good Medical support myself, Helping yourself is wise when you need it)

Some strategies to consider during grieving times:

I hope I don't personally find this odd when I am grieving. I used the word strategy, I think it can be an extremely painful situation to be in.

I have lost loved ones and I still miss them to this day. Some have been lost to illness, accidents and old age. But It feels painful whatever be the reason.

It is a part of life, a Life event we all must experience. But the ones left can be a lot of heartaches and memories.

It's normal to miss them

People express the pain in different ways. It's completely normal to miss a loved one. It may be missing a friend or a relative, missing a loved one always hurts.

You may feel a lot of things emotionally and physically while your grieving. It's normal to feel and experience these kinds of changes.

It's okay to express grief

While your grieving there is no set time limit or rules that govern the entire process. It's a heartfelt response to a personal loss.

You should not punish yourself or blame yourself for expressing your loss. Get the healthy support of friends or family members.

If possible join a support group or speak with a counsellor.

If you are physically hurt it is not considered wrong to seek help. Similarly ignoring professional help during tough situations is unnecessary. It is proper and right to seek professional help.

I would say it is wise too. A lot of times we become victims of wrong thinking patterns during difficult times. Professionals can give us strategies and effective help to deal with troubling situations.

It's fine to seek company or community

This is another one I wanted to speak about. It's okay to join a group that is helping you cope with your grieving process.

This can be your local religious community or even your friends. But do take care not to fall for groups that prey on people. 

There are sadly some religious groups and network marketers who are taught to actively use this kind of painful situations for recruitment. 

(I am not against Network Marketing and Religious recruitment as long as it is not Coercive and Shaddy)

It's okay to delay making important decisions

Difficult questions may not come when we would like them to. So when making important decisions try to delay (if possible) to a time when you are in a better mental space.

I can't tell you how important this one is. But a better mental space is important while making Life-changing decisions.

It's fine if we commemorate them

It's okay to celebrate Life events associated with them. If people think otherwise it's okay.

I believe treasuring memories and appreciating people who made a difference in our lives is important.

It helps us express our appreciation and the wonderful moments we shared with them.

In Conclusion

I don't know how you process the afterlife and all its mysteries. But I am sure our Loved ones will always live in our memories and in our hearts. 

Maybe there are things we thought we could do with them, but we must also remember the joyful moments you shared. You can share that joy with your near and dear ones.

Reaching out to people and creating new memories with people. We all move towards the same destination. I think it makes a difference to make a small difference.

I may not share the intensity of your pain, but as a Human, I can see how painful it is. Wish you strength and courage, May God bless you!

Further Reading

Coping with Grief and Loss by Helpguide

Coping with Grief and Loss by Psychological Health care

Can Money buy love? A Short reflection

Kickstart your next side hustle


Can money buy love? What does love mean to you

April 25, 2021

Can Money buy love?

I recently shared an interesting quote by Brazilian playwright Nelson Rodrigues. What do you think about it?

I had mixed reactions reading about it. When you read about love from a psychological point of view. It brings out the sacredness of love and how it relates to the sacred aspect of our lives.

The other element it looks at is the emotional life that love seeks to fulfil. According to an article in Psychology Today, love cannot be bought but only the occasions and situations that help us find it can be enhanced.

I think these are some important questions we ask ourselves. Maybe there are situations that compel us to reflect on life in this way.

On the other hand, however, we may try to rose coloured love, but there are practical aspects to a relationship we cannot ignore.

Love thrives in situations and so does our relationships. If care and attention are important for a good relationship so is the practical parts of it.

I think as we learn from the good and bad parts of our relationships we grow and learn new things. There may be many guides and articles on the science of a healthy marriage or partnership, but I think giving our best and learning actively about the other person is important.

I think sometimes we tend to fit things in a framework. This may suck the freedom and life of the other person.

The other problem is this hopeless political game of power. Yes, Power struggles can be real in a relationship.

There could be many more problems, Some are practical problems like Time or money. 

I think anything worth the while has its struggles.

I hope you found this short reflection useful. Please share this article and subscribe to our Facebook page


7 Powerful Elements to add Authenticity to your Personal Brand, A Short Guide

March 24, 2021

Authenticity and your Personal Brand

Do you remember the time when you read about your favourite celebrity in Magazine? Or that Page 3 article covering the latest gossip about them. 

Nowadays, Social media platforms have changed the way we communicate. 

It has helped us relate more to people we idolise. It has helped us connect with people we met and would like to know.

This has put an important need for understanding people. The need to see who they are. The need for authenticity has become highly essential.

Social media platforms have transformed the people who influence others into brands. Authenticity has a huge role in building powerful Personal Brands.

You could check some of my Blogs on Personal Branding,

Comment and Share your opinions on Personal Branding. 

What is a Personal Brand?

We all know and relate to different brands every day. We buy and patronise various goods and services. They add value to our lives. These brands come with a unique identity and promises.

We grow to love and hate these brands. Personal brands are influencers, people we know and associate with something unique. 

This could be a service they offer. Some Entertainment value they bring or plain admiration that we have for them.

Personal Branding is the process of creating personal brands. Authenticity is one such element in Personal Brands. 

There are other elements like Vision, Personality, Differentiation etc.

Authenticity as a Part of Branding

Faking it may be useful but when done badly it can backfire

I am sure some of us have been to an Education Fair. We go to hear some of our favourite speakers. 

We walk through aisles of many universities lined up into stalls. They promote the latest courses on offer. It's an experience that makes you think about possibilities.

Similarly, when we meet people for business or play we try to create the best impression of ourselves. 

We try to market ourselves and that's awesome. When we are online whether on Facebook or Linkedin we are doing the same thing. We are creating an impression. Most of us understand that.

Faking it may be useful but when done badly it can backfire. We can be perceived to be inauthentic. 

Authenticity can be a force that shows the person behind the brand. It peels away the veneer of the image to bring a bit of 'You' to your brand.

There are benefits to doing this, People learn to trust you and over a period of time even perceive you as a leader. 

So if you are churning out great content on Makeup or Sport or anything else. People learn from you and this adds value to your brand.

I would like to share some elements that build authenticity.

7 Powerful elements of Building Authenticity:

Any Questions regarding Personal Branding?

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Honesty works

This is an obvious one. We know the importance of honesty. 

But some may wonder how sensible it is, to be honest. Honesty is an important part of Authenticity. People are relating to you and not just the idea of you.

Clarity of our values and what we are offering is important.

We need to be clear about our brand values to build authenticity.

Understanding People:

Understand others by understanding yourself

Who are we communicating to? Communication is not unidirectional. 

We need to understand others. What they think, what they feel? 

These questions are important. This will help us communicate effectively with them. 

If you have certain principles and values that define you, so do people. Understanding people can help you serve them better, this, in turn, builds authenticity.


Marketing can be as simple as speaking to someone

Communication is essential and it is not only about creating viral content. 

It can also be engaging with people. Understanding their problems and needs. 

We must try to see how can we add value. Bombarding people with messages is pushy and not needed. 

Listening is also an important part of communication. We can get great ideas and useful feedback while we listen and engage with our audience.


Check this article, Click here

What are you doing? What are you about? You need to be clear about how are you relevant to the people you are serving. This requires clarity. 

Let me explain it with an example If you are a working professional. People who need your product/service would want to know how it serves them. 

If you can guide and help them with understanding to meet these needs. You become relevant. 

Relevance adds to the building of authenticity, but it all starts with Clarity. Being clear about what you do and who it benefits.


We can listen and learn

You are a person. Show the human side of you. You don't need to be plastic, you can be yourself whilst understanding others. It's okay to be you.

Be clear about how relevant you are to serving people you relate with. We all have shortcomings and so do you. But we can listen and learn, it's okay to show that side of you.

The benefits are tremendous, you don't need to fake it. You listen and get feedback that helps you learn. You understand how to serve people better by being yourself.


You are Unique and believing that is a Choice

So you offer a service or you entertain people. Too bad other people do the same. But is that something to worry about? 

Of course not, You can bring something unique to your audience.

This does not need to be strikingly different. It needs to be something that does not recreate the wheel but adds something different that helps people.


Things can be Difficult, Don't give up

All major brands and influencers have not become brands overnight. 

They all share consistency as a unique trait. 

Be consistent, keep engaging and sharing ideas with people.

In Conclusion

Social Media has democratised influence and helped us network better. But Authenticity and being real is something we all value.

I have shared 7 elements that I feel would really add value to you and your audience by building authenticity to your Personal Brand.

"Case Study on Building an Authentic Brand", Coming Soon.

Check my Instagram page, @officialchriseducator, Let's connect!



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