How to write a Vision Statement that gives you a hard knock? Some ideas bordering on a rant

May 23, 2022

Writing a Vision is putting your dreams to paper

Casting a vision can sometimes be like casting a spell, If you do not know where and how you just have some vague outcome you are chasing.

I think visions are so important in terms of a project or a dream. We need to make our dream a reality, but how about starting with verbalizing it.

Putting things in writing can be like a miracle. It shakes off all the vague parts.

I think the best part of writing a vision is that covers so many things. It captures a lot in a few words, it is simply amazing.

How to begin? 

Starting a journey; Crafting a vision

I think just focusing on writing one statement can be painful. We look at all the inspirational vision statements pasted all over the internet and go "Damn, I wish I could write like this".

I have been there and I can relate with that. So I decided to focus more on what I wanted to do. I asked myself did I have clarity and so I thought giving it more thought would not be useful. I decided to keep a note or a journal of the impressions I had.

Just Begin...Imperfect is perfect

Having a poorly written statement is a beginning

I wrote a Personal Vision statement and it seemed overly ambitious to me. Sometimes I would think it is overly exaggerated and sometimes I felt it captured how I felt.

Instead of getting sucked into the dilemma of things I decided to just write one down and use it.

I wrote one down, It was just me using words and not trying to keep it impressive or wordy.

I wanted it to relate to my dreams. That was all I wanted.

Testing your vision

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Now Just don't write it, you need to test it as well. Create small targets that you could use.

Keep these targets time bound. Review your performance regularly.

Action tells you a lot about what is happening, just relying on feelings is not enough. We need concrete feedback to understand if we are going in the right direction.

Re-write and move on

Rewrite and move ahead

You want to re-write your vision statement for whatever reason. I think you must do it after a lot of forethought and reviewing all that you have learnt from the process.

You have a lot of matter to work with. Don't take it as starting a new journey but approach it like a sequel to something awesome.


I do believe in the power of a good vision, but having said that I do think that verbalising it is also quite powerful.

A lot of times lack of clarity can stifle us from making healthy decisions, but action pushes you ahead.

I hope this article got you thinking on crafting a better vision statement.

That's it for now, catch you in the next post, Ciao!


What does Self Love actually mean? 10 Key Strategies to use Self Love in your daily life

May 15, 2022
New Beginnings have a charm of its own...feel great and completely fulfilled


When you start something new things can be exciting, but you can also have some temporary challenges that you are very well prepared and excited to deal with.

New Beginnings have a charm of its own, we put ourselves completely into it. We feel great and completely fulfilled.

But sometimes routine can be perceived to be something bad (I love routine though), we can feel left out or uncared for. 

Our closed ones can be there but we  can feel we need to be understood more or something like that. I think in moments like this we need to be there for ourselves.

We need to love ourselves and accept the way we are. All our good, bad and ugly sides,  we may not be perfect. But we can accept and love who we are completely and perfectly. 

What is Self-love? What it is not?

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I have had my own share of a testimony but I would rather keep it for some other time. Personally I realized that to build self confidence and belief in self also means a certain level of self care.

How could one love oneself If it was without accepting the self? Of course I knew my negatives. I mean how I failed living to the ideals I think are important in my own perception.

At some point dealing with the negatives within and outside myself became a tug of war. Over a period of time I realized that there was grace in a healthy self acceptance. 

Sometimes in the quest for becoming better we turn more saccharine. 

It not only hurts us but actually is less authentic (in my view). I am not saying you don't need to improve but one cannot change without first accepting the way things are.

I like the way the Brain and Behavior foundation describes it a blog, "Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth."

Our actions should support who we want to be rather than becoming an unhealthy critic of sorts.

How can it help you?

I think the first thing that comes to my mind is that it will help you move away from an unhealthy kind of perfectionism.

I think that this kind of Perfectionism is actually inauthentic and doesn't take into account the reality of things. It puts a lot of burden on the individual and may be others.

I do believe constantly trying to build self and improving ones life if accompanied with the reality that we all have areas we struggle with, seems more authentic to me.

You must check this article on the importance of Self Love by Medical News Today.

10 ways to get started with loving yourself


This is Chris Educator's Amazing List of Loving yourself (LOL)

Believe me I practice most of these:

1. Remove the toxic people from your life

This is the first and most powerful hack I can give you. 

I am not encouraging you to be judgmental. But just that sometimes we don't gel fit well with people.

You don't need to be nasty about it, Just start by being assertive and valuing your time and space.

2. Keep time to Destress yourself

I don't know what your belief system is. But we all live one Life at a time.

We all want to give the best to people and things we love.

All that is only possible if we keep time to destress ourselves. Of course all Stress is not bad.

Just keep the bad ones away.

3. Fulfill your Dreams(Side Hustle)

We all have dreams but there are practicalities we need to deal with. We may even love what we do, but a lot of us have dreams we would love to fulfill.

Believe me it won't happen if you don't work on it. You can start it as a side hustle.

Starting a Side Hustle is also a form of Self Love. You actually start working on what you have been relegating to a just a dream.

You Side Hustle may work or not, but it will teach you a lot.

4. Document your thoughts

Your thought life is also you. You need to note your insights and dreams.

Feel free to note all the things you are sad about or even thankful for.

Review your journal and don't just write and forget. If you think you would want to share it with others, you can start blogging or micro blogging about it.

5. Practice Awareness

Life is much more than you are aware of. Intentionally Practice Awareness in your daily life.

I have blogged about it, you can check some of my blogs on this.

6. Read your Gratitude list

Firstly maintain a Gratitude list. You can journal about the things you are grateful for and read them regularly.

7. Accept yourself

Of course you know you are not Mr./Ms. Perfect. So accept the parts of you that are not so good. 

8. Find your tribe

You can't gel with everyone. Follow the first tip and fire the toxic people if possible, next hangout with people who share the things you find amazing.

9. Practice Forgiveness

Besides forgiving yourself, I am sure there are many people who have wronged you. It may be easy for me to write it but it can be difficult for you to forgive some people. But It can be very caring to yourself to forgive the people who have hurt you.

10. Manage your Time

This one is last on the list but is extremely important. Practicing Time management is extremely valuable and important skill.

Managing your time is extremely caring thing to do. You don't need to spend yourself saving the world around you. Even Superman needs some time off.


6 more tips to complete this Challenge

I would like to conclude these thoughts with a Challenge. You see challenges every day, I am not going to ask you to dance or forward this article ( Though I wish you would), But I want to Challenge you to do something new each week.

A new act or habit that encourages a healthy for form of Self Care. You can  start by taking 1 idea from the 10 I shared and start.

You don't need to follow my list, you just need to begin. I hope this article finds in the best of health.

Thank you for your time and see you in this next post.


Fresh Update: What's been happening lately with Chris? 3 Key Takeaways from my new stint

April 29, 2022

What's been happening lately.....?

Oh Gosh! Been such a long time. Where have I been? I must write this as an update. I have spent time with my other love, Course Creation. 

Now, I create courses around Management and Marketing for Universities (besides Blogging & Coaching).

It's been great getting back to the 9to5 grind. I know and have read a lot of articles speaking negatively about it. I don't share the same ideas. 

I think depends on many factors like life and career goals, personal ambitions, etc.

I am writing to share some lessons I have learned from this process.

Lesson #1 Get used to the Grind

Initially, any change seems difficult to manage. 

Imagine starting out a new project, Things may not work as seemed or expected. 

I think this is quite a normal experience, but I also think exaggerating the pain and change is something negative. We must learn from the experience, cry sometimes, or console ourselves when things get worse.

I believe having a vision can help us focus better and deal with difficult situations or even change.

Lesson #2 Never give up on trying

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I believe there are appropriate situations when you have to dump a project, but most of the time we must not make excuses. 

Moving on and giving our best every time is the way to go.

If you don't know something, learn it, if you need help, network and get it. 

I believe the best choice is to give your best.

Lesson #3 Value the platform

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As an experienced Freelancer, I really value the 9to5 grind. I see it as an opportunity to give my best and upgrade myself with new experiences and interactions.

A lot of times when things go unexpectedly bad, we look at the negative side of things. 

We must also practice timely exercises on Gratitude.

In Conclusion

I would like to thank you for the support you guys have been giving me.

Please share your experiences and do subscribe to my Newsletter.

Thank you for your time, Ciao!

A personal story on dealing with excessive anxiety + 2 Key Pointers on dealing with it the Right way

March 21, 2022

If you are feeling overly anxious, I can understand how it feels

Deep Pain and an empty feeling

Imagine waking up one day and feeling low for no reason. Walking to the bus stop and your mind brings to you all the worries of the world. You know it is all exaggerated but you just can't help it.

Your church buddies don't get it, they think you are turning into some kind of Job and God is testing you. You are not able to concentrate on your job. You just feel horrible.

This is how I felt years ago, I was lecturing and in the middle of the lecture I had to leave. I needed to take a break I just couldn't think. It felt like there was a black hole in the center of my chest. It felt really hopeless. I had to tell my Head of Department about it.

Getting the right kind of Support

Get the support from people who care

She was really kind and she connected me with a Doctor. It was a life changing experience. I was suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

It a treatable disorder, and I so grateful and thankful to my HOD. She was a savior.

It is amazing how sometimes in spite of our Education we fail to take care of ourselves. I wonder why is it so.

Do we think it is a taboo and people will shun us and laugh at us? Is neglecting yourself spiritually sound and sensible? Is it a lack of faith?

What I think about GAD and 2 Pointers

Use Rationality and sensible thinking for Self Care

To me it was like any other disease. We must be rational and sensible. Taking care of ourselves is important if we want to work on our goals and dreams.

Detours are a part of the journey and so are setbacks. We must deal with them and we don't need to do it alone.

I would to share here a lot of tips and strategies, But I will only share 2 Pointers here.

1. Speak to someone who cares

2. Seek medical help

There are people who care for you. But Everyone also has things they are dealing with and so if some fail to get what you are going through it is okay. 

The next point I would like to mention is Professional Help is important. Although you can get some really helpful ideas from various resources getting the right help is key to better health.

I would encourage to take self care seriously and especially mental health.

In Conclusion

Emotional Health and Self Care are important

Taking care of yourself is a journey and an important part of achieving your Goals. We must expect the unexpected at times.

Having a balanced lifestyle is important to you and the people you influence.

Professional Medical Help is important for proper self care. I hope I have been able to enrich you through this post.

Do like and share you ideas on this topic? You can join the discussion on my FB Page.


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