The Art of (taking) Short breaks and why you need one right now?

January 19, 2021


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Surfing the Net and Taking Breaks

Net surfing is a favorite pastime for a lot of us (lol, Now I feel less guilty). I came across this youtuber Joshua Fluke. 

I must say it is a very interesting video where he talk about work culture and a software that literally sneaks on people.

I am not going to discuss about the video, you can check it out. But what got me thinking through this video was about work culture.

Besides the bad side of Work Culture, there are positive sides to it. One thing this current situation has taken from us is this one thing that I loved about 9 to 5 jobs, that is taking a break.

Imagine a Software that monitors you every 5 minutes that's horrible. Coffee breaks was one of the important moments in my work life.

I really enjoyed it, it was like a short vacation but only for a couple of minutes. Nice and hot coffee with myself or sometimes a colleague. It was simply phenomenal.

Vacations and Short Breaks

Vacations can be short

The joy of small things can be something really big. I think even during this situation when most of us work from home, we need to remind ourselves that we need to take some timeout.

Please don't think this is unproductive time. You are human, sometimes creativity and problem solving require you to do things differently. Taking a break can be one of them.

So does every break need to be a vacation that is 3 days long to a small coffee break. I think it depends.

It depends on factors like work life balance, your mental health and how you balance personal relationships.

Evaluating these areas of your life can be an important step. Next step would be trying to see the importance of dealing with negative stress.

Work Stress and living

Every Work has it's share of Stress

Every work comes with it's share of stress. We need to strategize ways to deal with it. Just because you are working from home. It does not mean you are balancing you work and life.

Check this article from The Hindu that talks about the stress of working from home.

It does not mean you have no stress. Taking short breaks can be a nice way to deal with stress.

Now the important question. What does one do on a short break?

Here are some ideas you could use:

  1. Have some Coffee (Lol :))
  2. Have some Tea
  3. Take a short walk
  4. Sprint 
  5. Do a stretch
  6. Meditate
  7. Pray
  8. Repeat your affirmations
  9. Evaluate your day
  10. Plan for the Next day
  11. Write an article or a blog related to your work
  12. Research on a topic that interests you
  13. Message your loved one
  14. Tweet
  15. Don't Check social media
  16. Read some scripture or any book or person that inspires you
This is not a comprehensive list.

The art is in how you understand your needs and respond to it. Years ago, when I decided to shift from yo-yo diets to dealing with my personal problems. I took a break and it really helped me see the important things in my life.

Even nowadays as a Self employed Educator and Blogger, I see the importance of short breaks. It has helped me tremendously.


Productivity is important as it is the value we add to this world. Being productive with the other faculties we have and our own personal life is equally important.

Take sometime out and refresh yourself. You deserve it. I hope you liked this post.

Please do comment how you spend your coffee break, I will meet you in the next Blog. Ciao!

Have a Happy Learning Day! Jai Hind! [full-width]

Self Motivation got me out of my (not so) comfortable zone? Christonanda's rant on self encouragement

January 17, 2021


Use Motivation to get you out of your Comfort Zone

Starting Something New

How to achieve your goals? Do this...

Is this another year in your Personal Story? Should this year make a difference to you if not to others. Are things going to get better?

Interesting questions, I always wondered why some projects I started did not work. I realized there were numerous reasons for them.

All of us share this one experience, A new year brings that moment of New hopes and a feeling that this year must be different or simply that thought 'I will commit myself to make this year fruitful'.

We plan, we work on our plans and then comes that painful barrier or that great hurdle comes our way. It could be a difficult situation like a temptation, or a thought to slack on your commitments or may be even the realization that you were simply pepped up.

What happens next also depends on you and not your reason to quit. Don't get me wrong, Quitting is not bad (in some situations).

Could it be your Temperament?

My temperament in my view had an influence on my perception of problems

In my college days while volunteering at a Cultural meetup for Youth, I learnt about temperaments.

It was something I learnt about myself that helped me improve my life situation.

I realized that my decisions and perspective were also influenced by my temperament and how I succeeded or failed in the past  and in how I dealt with similar problems.

Learn more about Temperaments, Check this wiki on Temperaments.

My temperament in my view had an influence on my perception of problems.

My question is 'Does your temperament influence you?' and 'Does your perception about things need an update?'

I am not for uncritical positivity. But sometimes we don't encourage ourselves enough. And sometimes we also don't believe we can achieve things.

Sources of Encouragement

Check this quote on dealing with Uncertainty

I believe we can encourage ourselves, if we can understand our Temperaments and ourselves better.

We can see the limitations of our own experiences and perceptions.

Just because you failed a couple of times, it doesn't necessary follow that it would repeat again.

Sometimes we are not clear about things and what we want to achieve and why.

Let me share with you a situation I faced that will help me explain myself more clearly.

It was joining my local gym taught me this. I wanted to shape up, but speaking to a Personal Coach made me realize the importance of having clear goals.

I wasn't clear if I wanted to be more muscular or just shed the weight or both. Each of these required a different level of commitment.

So do you want to loose weight or may be a promotion or may be something else. Have you thought through the reasons behind why you would like to achieve these goals.

Are you specific about the details? Okay, May be the goal is a bit Audacious, But have you chunked it down into manageable bits.

Clarity on some of these points can be a source of great encouragement. Being clear and concise, Planning and making things manageable for you is truly valuable.

Patience and virtues

Lol, There are stories from my life I would love to share that are truly embarrassing and have taught me the importance of this great virtue called 'Patience'.

I will not share the story as of now as it is very personal and funny. May be when I start a Podcast or something I will surely share it. (Been toying with the idea...Do comment if you think it is a good idea)

Anyways, May be it's not about our temperament or bad situations, It could be that it is a matter of lack of this virtue 'Patience'.

Some projects take time to bear fruit. Imagine trying to shed all you extra pounds in a month. May be possible for some, But it is very unrealistic for many of us.

Proper Planning coupled with a lot of patience is what we need. We need to motivate ourselves and care for ourselves properly.

Getting out of our comfort zone is important, But sustaining ourselves through with some healthy self encouragement, planning and a bit of preparation for New situations is equally important.

Imagine trying to shed all you extra pounds in a month. May be possible for some, But it is very unrealistic for many of us

Concluding Thoughts

I must repeat this cliché, "Rome was not built in a day". Be a source of encouragement to yourself and others. Get out of your comfort zone by motivating yourself.

We as humans have been masterful creators. We have changed our reality over the ages. You can do it too!

One step at a time with the right effort and patience. I will end this blog with an Affirmation you can repeat to yourself, "I can & I will". God Bless, Ciao!

Meet you in the next blog, Do comment and share with your friends and family! 

Have a Happy Learning Day !


Further Reading

A fresh year, a fresh hope, Moment to start a fresh

January 04, 2021


A Fresh page to achieve your goals

I always wondered if everyone felt New years day was something special and for sometime I assumed it was.

Later to learn that people actually went to work on New years Day. I thought how bad, but they really felt it was important. And some even loved the idea.

To me I have grown to understand that it means different things to different people. 

2020 was not as spectacular a year that a lot of people hoped it would be. It was quite flat and even disastrous to many.

So What's so special about 2021?

I don't know the answer to this question. But I must say that I choose to live it differently. I recently shared my idea about resorting to commitments and not resolutions for the New year. Check it here!

I think hope is something that drives the future. It helps us motivate and push ourselves to achieve better.

So, I think 2021 is special because to some of us it is an opportunity to push things in a different direction. To improve our lives and those of others.

It's an opportunity to work on ourselves and our goals. It is a space where we dare to fulfill our dreams.

See you in the Next Post!


Republished from, 5th Jan, 2021


5 Important Ideas that bleed strength to your New Year's Commitments

January 04, 2021


Tired of New Year's Resolution...Try Commitments

Before We Begin I would like to wish you a Blessed and Prosperous New Year. May joy, peace and good health embrace you and be with you.

You see over the years after many trials I decided commitments are more better than Resolutions. 

Resolutions are very neatly packaged and tightly fitted Goals that seem like a reasonable approach. But for me it was something that did not encourage forget motivate me.

It just reminded me of what I lacked, It was not positive. I have a tendency to be critical which is not bad. But taken to an extreme it can be a discouraging experience.

So this year I decided to adopt Commitments. These are areas of my life that need attention. 

These are like mini projects that can improve this journey called life and enhance it.

Check this list of Interesting Books for your interest, Click Here!

Realization and Key anchors

I realized that succeeding required anchors to help me move ahead. These anchors will keep me grounded to my goals and help me build concrete plans to be successful.

I listed the areas I want to succeed this year. The areas that need attention

The next thing I did was to divide these areas to separate projects.

Each project is related to the other one. For example, If you decided to get a promotion in your current job. You also wanted to reduce your weight. Though these may be separate projects. They have a relations to each other.

Lastly do not keep a huge list. [full-width]

Now do not try to solve these problems like they are resolutions. Do not jump on them and just strike them of your list.

These are areas you have kept as commitments. So if you want to lose some weight. Don't just diet and get it over with. Try changing your lifestyle and let that get you healthy.

Similarly with other goals.

Save your self from Courses that are short of a Scam, Read here

In Conclusion

This 5 Ideas are simple that would help you build 2021 as a fulfilling and blessed year.

There are a lot of things we cannot change but there are some that we can build and shape to help us have a better tomorrow.

Would love to leave you with this simple thought, Remember your goals, they are commitments and not just resolutions.

Further Reading

Resolutions are meant to be broken, but commitments can be kept. We don't need to be perfect along the way. But we can...

Posted by Chris Educator on Monday, 4 January 2021

3 Things to Remember when the unplanned becomes your plan

December 21, 2020


Life Happens, but we can have plans

As an Educator, especially a Management educator I always heard students whine about the fact that they had to learn theory. 

It was like isn't practicality the only thing necessary in a business. It was an obvious thing to them. But the way I saw it was quite different. 

In business and in life every challenge thrown at us seem fresh and each problem may not even be similar to the previous one. How does one deal with that? 

In some cases even what we have learnt and experienced may fall short. Is there some kind of formula or method to get these kind of issues dealt with. I would there could be ways to approach unplanned 'plans'. 

We all know that things change, so we prepare for dynamic situations. As an Educator, I believe this is exactly where theoretical knowledge can be relevant. 

Check this post I wrote on dealing with uncertainty.

It helps us stay abreast with we know, and new issues or situations don't need to be tragic(I don't intend to diminish anyone's experience). It could be learning experiences where have tools to approach new problems.

They could be situations where we learn about new approaches or create our own approach. Let us relate it with a situation. Let's say your are new to Digital Marketing, and you found out it was a powerful tool to help you build your business.

You could hire someone or may be learn it yourself. Now just because you did a course in Digital Marketing would it mean that you would be taught about every situation or case that you would face, Not at all. 

You would expect the course to have sufficient information of the body of knowledge in the field. This would give you the required tools and information to learn and build up good experience in the field.

Interesting ideas to motivate yourself

So the first point I would like to put forth is the idea that you are equipped with resources to help you understand the problem. 

These resources could be in the form of information, people and even groups of people. We don't need to approach situations like we are unequipped and we are helpless. It would wrong thinking, because we already have what we need to deal with the situation.

It is not a requirement that we should be able to solve every problem or matter in our lives or business without help. As obvious as this may seem, we don't remind ourselves about it.

'You are equipped with resources to deal with your problems."

The other day I had forwarded this particular post from Justin Bieber's FB page. I found it really interesting.

The post was that we are more than our professions or actions. This what I understood from it. A friend of mine was really confused. He couldn't wrapping his head around the fact that we don't need to identify ourselves with our professions.

I think sometimes we can narrow our identities or stories we tell ourselves about 'Who we are' to a limited set of propositions.

I believe we are created unique and special with a God given purpose. Before giving others the right to recognize our contributions to making the world a better place, we reflect and appreciate the good in ourselves.

I think this is where journaling or self reflection can be really valuable. Appreciating yourself can be useful. 

I think this can be a really powerful concept, one in which we don't what we do for the love of it and with the best we can.

"You are more than your profession, appreciate yourself."

This is the last and obvious point, But I need to reiterate it. We hear it over and over again.
But it is something people misjudge and don't expect. They say they do (and they are ready for it great). 

I am talking about 'Failure'. How does one define it? Does your definition change with your feelings and emotions. 

Does it really give a moment to learn and opportunity to try something new? Or is it a line we tell ourselves?

Quitting is not easy, But may be we need to understand our so called failures and learn. Maybe they could help us understand certain aspects of reality that may be we are missing.

"We need to take time to understand the moments we fail at something."

Plans are as important as the goals we make. Expecting things to go wrong should also be a part of our plans.

Adding a certain level of flexibility may be required to deal with new situations or new information.

This should not be discouraging. It can also be a moment where we learn something new. 

This can be a learning experience for yourself and others.

I hope this Blog finds you in the best of health. Wish you Happy Holidays ! 

May the new year bring us all a lot of love and good health.

Further Reading:

Blogging Sites that inspire me

Chris Educator's Guide to Awareness

Journaling beats Stress


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