Start your Dream project and become a Creator in 14 days with Gumroad

November 02, 2020


Become a Creator in  14 Days

I believe one thing that connects us all is the ability to create. This may be anything big or small. It could be something as personal as fulfilling a Dream.

For some of us, we may want to start a business or a simple blog or even a family. It is that quality to create.

One of my favourite platforms to create and for creators is Gumroad. It is an amazing platform. This is not affiliate promotion.

It's just that I love this platform. 

So What you can do on Gumroad?

Face. Everything. And. Rise

You could create and sell a lot of digital and physical goods. I currently don't sell anything, but I offer Two free products. You could check it here.

I must say we all have our apprehensions and self-doubts.

This may be Fears and even shyness. One thing to realise I would say is that all of us have something another person may find helpful. Yes, all of us may not be experts. But we may be more experienced than another.

On Gumroad, you can sell E-books, sell a documentary or video, and even sell a course. All for free, Do you want to create a blog or share a newsletter with your audience, Gumroad makes it possible.

Guess what, This is all for free. Are there better tools? Yes, of course. But for beginners or even professionals, it's a simple and reliable tool.

When What and How...

Best time to Start your Dream Project

Gumroad has started a 14 Day Challenge. They will send you content to guide you step by step to help become a creator.

If you create something and list it Gumroad. Do let me know I would like to share what you created with the readers at

Click here to join the Challenge. Do drop a comment if you joined...

In Conclusion

One question could be, "What if I don't like what I created?". I would say at least you have created something that can be reworked and refined.

This challenge will start the process to help explore Creation and working on your dream project.

Is it going to be easy? We all know the answer, Maybe not. So what? It could be an experience of self-discovery.

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Monday Motivation: Finding your Joy in your daily work

October 25, 2020


Service is Life

Another Monday, another week. I just thought of sharing some interesting quotes to motivate us and bless ourselves with an amazing week.

This is the week you get to apply the tasks and plans to fulfil your Goals. Believe there is no perfect situation or time.

The Perfect Time is right now. Rabindranath Tagore was an amazing Indian intellectual and poet. I would like to share this interesting Quote with you.

Service is a way of life. We add to our experiences and help others succeed. It is an amazing value chain.

Making the world a better place can simply start by doing what we do and doing it well.  Making a difference doesn't need to be something over the top and super amazing. It can simply be doing your work well.

I wish you an amazing week.


Do follow me on Instagram, @officialchriseducator

Further Reading

Check this interesting Article on Zenhabits

Read the List of Books I like on Life Hacks


Recommended Reads on Life Hacks that are awesome and some of my favourite ones too

October 23, 2020

Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay

Friendship is a wonderful thing. It is a joyous consolation to have close and valuable friends.

For some of us, Books can be those friends. They guide us and are there for us. It is great to have them as companions.

I have often heard Motivational speakers encourage people to have good mentors.

Some of us may have chosen books or other resources to mentor and guide us.

Books are not static

Words are lively and dynamic

I do not consider books to a static collection of words stuck to a page.

I believe they are lively and dynamic.

As much we read them, they show us a lot of things about ourselves.

I would like to share with some of the books on Life that have been a joy to read.

I list only 5 books, it is not a comprehensive book list.

5 Books on Life Skills I love:

Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

Learn Powerful & Timeless insights

This one of my favourite books.

First I came across this book, was in my Uncle's library.

The title of the book was very Catchy.

But reading the book helped me understand the meaning of Thinking and Becoming Rich.

I must say I wish I did apply what I read.

So I reread it, But in an audio format.

The Power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Positive and Powerful Thinking

This is another impactful book.

As a person, I like to be as realistic as possible.

The idea of positive thinking was something I found quite stupid until I read the book.

I was recommended to the book by one of Church counsellor.

I bought and read a copy of it. I was in my undergraduate studies then.

It was years back. I love this book because it had techniques that not only helped me improve my attitude, but it made my prayer life more interesting.

(I do not pray very often)

The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ De Marco

Learn how to take the Fastlane to Success

I came across this book on Instagram.

I did not make a million dollars after reading it, nor did the author promise I would.

But its an awesome book, MJ De Marco really brings out the importance of a side hustle.

He shows exactly how creating a business can impact one's life and others.

It's a no-bullshit book. I loved this book very much.

The Roadless Travelled by M. Scott Peck

Change your Perspective

I read this book when I was having some serious personal issues.

It showed a different perspective on life and religion.

I must say as someone who was a seeker for years, Religion has not been a kind experience. This book has really helped me in this area too.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Understanding Money

He is one of my favourites. I have heard people criticise him, I think people have their share of critics.

But this book really helped me appreciate the power of Management and Entrepreneurship.

Understanding the meaning and value of time and the right place for passion.

I have read a couple of books besides this book by Mr Kiyosaki. It's a quick read and really informative.

In Conclusion

Yes, this is not a review of these books, But as a reader, I want to share how these books have helped me.

It is really useful to share ideas and also read insights from people who are more experienced and smarter.

Please do mention on my FB Page if you would like me to review any of the books on the list I shared.


5 Powerful Tricks for Personal Branding right now

October 12, 2020


Personal Branding can be easy


Personal Branding more than a Buzz word

Do you remember your First Job interview? Remember your first Resume. How did it feel writing it? What did you put in your First Resume? It must have been quite a moment to scratch your head.  For some of us, it must have been quite easy.

When I look back I see it was the presence of soft and hard testimonials to show for. These testimonials in the form of Co-curricular and extracurricular achievements made its way into the Resume. It made some standout from the rest.

The question is what is Personal Branding and how is it relevant to us. Most of us may be experienced professionals with a good amount of work or expertise to show for. Why do we need to brand ourselves?

So let us delve into the Primary question, so let us try to understand Personal Branding. I would simply say Personal Branding is applying Branding concepts to oneself. But let us look at a more comprehensive explanation.

           According to, Personal Branding can be said to be "Personal branding is the conscious and intentional effort to create and influence public perception of an individual by positioning them as an authority in their industry, elevating their credibility, and differentiating themselves from the competition, to ultimately advance their career, increase their circle of influence, and have a larger impact.".

So Personal Branding can be said to portray an authentic image of your personality, strengths and competencies in a way that shows how you are better than the competition.

Impact on Work and Life

So the next question is do we all want to brand ourselves, of course, it depends on the goals you are seeking. At the least one would want to be recognized for the good work and be rewarded for the good performance.

If we misunderstand Branding to be an activity of Chest thumping we get branding wrong. We can be positioning ourselves as Personal brands for various reasons, but we must not reduce it to only what our perceptions say it is. 

It would be like thinking Sales is about Hoodwinking people...That would be outright blasphemous. So with Personal Branding, we must not think of it as portraying a false persona.

It is not, though it can be twisted to be such. 

3C Model Of Personal Branding by David Hagenbuch

To quickly start Branding yourself, I shall use the 3C Model of Personal Branding by David Hagenbuch.

The Primary 'C' is Communication. The other two C's include Competency and Character. Competency refers to how you perform at work. 

It would be pointless just promoting yourself all over if you lack this and next is Character. Character, in essence, deals with your values and qualities as an Individual. Competency and Character are complemented with Communication. 

Simple Strategies to Get Started Quickly

1. Start Blogging

Blogging can be confused with article writing. We may think 'oh goodness, what a dim suggestion', But hear me out.

Think of it like writing an Online Diary with details every one can read. A medium of self-expression, A safe space to discuss and share information.

Yes, you could invite some Trolls. But the Pros outweigh the benefits. You could use FB comments for the comment section. I have been using it. It is really 👌.

2. Start a YouTube Channel

YouTube channel is another great medium for sharing ideas. You just need a camera and good lighting. Throw in a good microphone with less noise around where you are recording, it would be a great start.

The Best part of Vlogging is the benefit of repurposing content. The other benefit is that a good amount of people use YouTube as a source for Good information. To be entertained and learn something at the same time.

It does not need to be an elaborate video. The idea is to share a small part of terms of your reactions, your struggles, ideas, views etc. You could start by having a small script and just recording what you have to say with good lights and. a sound good microphone.

3. Read a book or pick up a New Skill

Another part of Personal Branding as we have seen is Competency. I am sure a lot of us however professional we may be and well versed in our professions have something to learn.

It's a simple suggestion Read. It could be a book, an article or a white paper. Learn something that adds to your competency.

4. Create unique Content for Social Media

Creating content does not need to be only blogs or videos. One could start by engaging people with simple short posts on Facebook or Twitter.

Just forwarding content with little reactions or comments, it could also be a short and sweet way to start out.

5. Network with Like-minded People

This is another benefit to the Internet and it can really help you build a Personal Brand. Building an Audience and getting to know people.

This is where online groups and communities can be really powerful. Join a community online and engage with the content or activities in the group. Abide by the rules each community has. Try building genuine contacts.

Promote yourself appropriately as long as it is not against Community rules. Facebook and Linkedin have interesting groups to join.


Personal Brand is something that highlights the uniqueness in each one of us. 

As humans we have a lot of traits in common, to share a few, emotions like joy, struggles and talents. 

But in a competitive environment, we need to highlight the best we have.

I would like to thank you for sharing your time. Do join the discussion on our FB Page.


Strengths of Introversion in the Workplace

September 26, 2020

Understanding the Strengths of an Introvert

The Funny thing about introversion is that a lot of people can misunderstand them. Being somewhat of an introvert I found it rather funny when (some) people think that it is a bad quality to have.

Some even think it to be a kind of handicap. Let me burst that bubble right on...You are confusing Introversion with Shyness. Yes and some people can be both Shy and with introversion.

So Before we dive into the Strengths of Introversion we must understand what is Introversion?

Who is an Introvert?

I have always had a close circle of friends. But College changed a lot of things for me. My School friends went to other institutions. Public speaking situations left me confused about whether I was Shy or Introverted.

After years of trying It was a relief to overcome a Fear that can be very stifling. I believe self-expression is an awesome human quality. Having irrational fears can grip us and may keep us from making the best of various opportunities and situations. 

Getting back to the College Story, I was determined to understand myself. I took a part-time course in Psychology. I joined a local Cultural Association. I was determined to change things. After spending a year with the Cultural Association (I don't want to name). 

I was asked to present a 45 minutes talk. I prepared and prepared, I delivered the talk. It was a bad experience, but I had overcome my fear of Public speaking. I just jumped into doing what I feared the most.

That was the beginning for me, the opportunity to overcome my Shyness. I gradually understood that it was okay to introverted and that shyness was something that I had to leave behind. It was not helpful.

So how does one Define Introversion, According to Introvertdear, "The definition of an introvert is someone who prefers calm, minimally stimulating environments.". Whereas According to the American Psychological Association, "Shyness is the tendency to feel awkward, worried or tense during social encounters, especially with unfamiliar people". They are markedly very different. 

Now in the next section, I shall look at some of the Lies and Myths behind Introversion.

Some Lies & Mythbusting

I have just collected some lies and Myths around Introversion. It is not a complete list, but it is quite small, But could be longer :)

  • They don't enjoy
  • They have nothing to say
  • Aloof and proud
  • They are shy
  • They don't take risks
  • Extroverts are happier
  • Introverts get mental illnesses
  • Extroverts are much more confident
  • Introverts and Extroverts don't get along
Without getting into the Science of it (I cover it in the next section), Let's pick a couple of the obvious wrong ideas. Introverts don't enjoy themselves and are proud. This is quite presumptuous and it generalises people.

Introverts don't get along, this one sounds stupid as well. Just a bit of observation and reflection would help us understand that so many people we interact are with introversion and extroversion as well... every day. They both get along.

Now let us look a bit deeper into the science behind Introversion or Extroversion...

Introvert vs Extrovert

Introvertdear has a beautiful article on the difference in Introversion and Extraversion with respect to their brains.

But I would like to stress on some key points. Extroverts and Introverts brain react differently to Dopamine. Dopamine is a hormone and a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in motor control, motivation, arousal etc. According to Psychology Today, it is known as a feel-good neurotransmitter.

Video by ASAP Science

So Introverts are more sensitive to dopamine and may feel overstimulated to too much of it. Another point in the article is the way Introverts are more prone to overthinking. This again is due to the way the brain is wired. 

You could read the article here.

Basically, we all enjoy differently, and our experiences are different. To me, this is such a beautiful insight to see how different and unique each one of us is.

Introvert strengths in the workplace

So what are the strengths Introverts bring to the workplace? Let me bring some powerful qualities I see in Introverts.

  1. Thinkers
  2. Reflective
  3. Creative
  4. Thoughtful
  5. Good Listeners
  6. Quiet Role models

You may say there are a lot more qualities. Yes, We overlook them sometimes. These qualities are required in so many life situations and professions. Workplaces require long and thoughtful work. 

They need people-oriented as much as task-oriented people. As Professionals, we have to bring out the best in ourselves and in others. Competition is all good. But when we work together we need to be understanding and make work a good experience. At some level we all are unique but in a way quite similar as well.

If you are an introvert, you are in good company

Bill Gates
Albert Einstein
Abraham Lincoln
Warren Buffet
Michael Jordan
Meryl Streep
Eleanor Roosevelt
...Many more 


“Reflecting the prejudices in our culture, both introverts and extroverts chose extrovert as their ideal self and their ideal leader.” (Marti Olsen Laney, The Introvert Advantage)

I don't know if this is true. But I may be guilty of thinking Extroverted is somehow better or vice versa. Now I just think they are both humans with certain propensities and they are making the best with their life situations and dreams.

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Further Reading

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